DarioKehl - Is not our existence, a brute fact?
If we wish to understand this brute fact properly, we would be wise to examine the best example of a brute fact available to us.. Would not this example be your self?
DarioKehl - Is not our existence, a brute fact?
If we wish to understand this brute fact properly, we would be wise to examine the best example of a brute fact available to us.. Would not this example be your self?
A brute fact is a higher power.. Brute facts are the only known perfect thing.
Ok.. You believe in brute facts - I believe the same.
When we know our selves, we will know these brute facts.
Everyone believes in a different higher power.. They believe in different manifestations of this higher power, nevertheless.. They believe in something immutable or they believe in brute facts, or they believe in a high in the sky father figure.. They all believe in whatever is infinite.. It is unknown what infinite is, so they are right, to believe as they do.
in order to find the infinite, we must observe its effect.. We need to observe the vibrations , of its existence.
the more we understand the infinities vibration, the more we understand it..
the most intimate we can become with the manifestations of the infinite, is through observing our selves.. Once we know the depths of who we are.. We will know who it is.
Nice usage.. Of deepity too "term refers to a statement that is apparently profound but actually asserts a triviality on one level and something meaningless on another. " I like that.
This may be a Deepity, it may also be a Double - Deepity
an apparently profound statement, asserted to be trivial, which in actuality is both trivial, and profound.
God as in the God that everyone believes in. Call it what you like.. Evolution,Jehovah,Alla,Brahman,science,math,symbols -
- That which is higher, is what it is.
finding our selves, and finding it are one in the same.
anyone who is a witness or was previously a witness, is aware of the written & un-written rules concerning association with disfellowshipped family members.. there are a multitude of quotes through out the watchtower publications, but these 2 will suffice.. "are you proving yourself holy by not associating with family members or others who are disfellowshipped?
"the clear instruction in the bible is: avoid them.
that means that we have to stay away from them... the bible says that apostates are mentally diseased and that they use their teachings to make others think like them... what must we do to avoid false teachers?