Cofty - You aren't Discriminating, however I feel that you are Judging.
As Marijuana is a gateway Drug that leads to LSD, Judging is a gateway bias that leads to Discrimination.
what exactly is religion?
why all of the pain?
you either love religion (usually the one you call home), you hate it.. or you're somewhere in between, and you say "let bygones be bygones".
what exactly is religion?
why all of the pain?
you either love religion (usually the one you call home), you hate it.. or you're somewhere in between, and you say "let bygones be bygones".
Simon - I agree that believing in a Fact is not discrimination. What fact are you referring to please?
i agree that not all list items are equal.. I'm using them, as an example, of the fact that Discrimination, of any type, any time, if fervent enough, will create the same Issues as are seen in religion. Religion is not the problem, discrimination is.
what exactly is religion?
why all of the pain?
you either love religion (usually the one you call home), you hate it.. or you're somewhere in between, and you say "let bygones be bygones".
what exactly is religion?
why all of the pain?
you either love religion (usually the one you call home), you hate it.. or you're somewhere in between, and you say "let bygones be bygones".
What exactly is Religion? Why all of the pain?
You either Love religion (Usually the one you call Home), you hate it.. Or you're somewhere in between, and you say "Let bygones be bygones".
Have you ever taken some time, to really think about what Religion is, and why it does what it does?
I was working at a Farmers Market today, and as I was leaving, I saw 2 Witnesses (Which I used to know) manning a Jw.Org cart.
It was a husband and Wife couple, in their late 20's.. The husband was slouched over looking at his phone, and the wife was twirling her hair and biting her nails.
They sat there, just the two of them, in the Hot florida sun from 9am - 2pm.. (I would be surprised if they spoke a word more than "Hello" to anyone today.).
When I saw these JW's i had a brief Butterfly effect thought. - Some gray bearded dude, 150 years ago, decides to step into a backyard religious meetup, he likes what he hears, and decides he wants to be a Writer of all things "Truth", and here we are.. All because of this one man, Russell. We have 8 Million Human beings Somewhere on the earth, sitting on park benches, and checking their fantasy team scores, all while "Spreading the Good news of the Kingdumb"
On the other side of the pond, you have Family Men, blowing themselves up, and hurting countless fellow humans beings, all because of this man and his Book 1,500 years ago.
For People like you and I, we think to ourselves. "Man I'm glad I escaped this Thing called Religion."
How can we be so sure, we have escaped though? Have We?
Perhaps we have stopped attending a building, perhaps however Religions, don't require the use of a building.
Perhaps what religion is deep down at it's core. Is something simple like an Idea or An Idea-logy.
Perhaps, we've left the church, and we've swapped our JW Credentials, for Political Zealot credentials.
Or perhaps we have searched deep into the Scriptures, and we have found the True - Truth..
We have Discovered that {Insert Ism here} is the One True Religion.
Now with our new found Belief System or Non-Belief System, we can bash on others peoples beliefs, and finally feel good about it. After all our Ideas are correct, and anyone's ideas that are contrary, are wrong.
If you hate what Religion does to the World.. Stop Practicing religion.
- If you are a Man, stop believing that you are better than women.
- If you are a Human, stop believing that it is ok to pay Walmart or Safeway or Publix to Torture and Kill innocent animals, so that you can eat meat.
- If you are Straight, stop believing that heterosexual relationships are right and homosexual relationships are wrong.
- If you are an American, stop believing that one Muslim is bad because some other Muslims do bad things.
- If you are a Muslim, stop believing that if the God's name is not Allah, he is not God.
- If you are a boss , stop believing it is ok to pay your employees less than a fair rate.
- If you are are an atheist, stop believing that non atheists are wrong.
- If you believe in God, stop believing that atheists are wrong.
- If you are a democrat stop believing that republicans are wrong.
I want to Stop Judging and Discriminating, won't you Join me?
please i want someone to teach me how i create websites.thanks!.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
Viviane - Math is the Method of Expression of the Programming Code, that holds the Universe together.
And you are correct, Not all Men have the Same Conscience, they still have a Conscience though.
Hitler may have killed millions, however his Conscience compelled him to be kind to some people in his life.
I view man and women as equal and the same. (Outside of obvious differences)
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
Oneeyedjoe - I agree that Order is Returning to Disorder, because of Entropy.
However I believe that we are in an Endless repeating Cycle ("Big Bounce" | "Big Crunch")
In my universal View this Cycle looks like this - Disorder > Order > Disorder > Order
I don't fear Nihilism, however I see evidence for things improving everywhere I look, so Nihilism doesn't fit my world view.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.