Can anyone confirm or deny this report?
Here’s a spam we keep getting for some reason, despite the fact that the sender, Gary Coxe, isn’t going to trick us into hiring him for a weekly column about how to struggle against adversity (or whatever it is he expects to get out of emailing a shopping site). Here’s his classy message, today sent with the headline, “Frey’s book allegedly a scam!? Want to do a story on a TRUE tragedy story?”
His wife told him his baby wasn’t his, [Gosh, why ever would she do that? -Ed.]
His father was murdered,
His Uncle was killed in a plane crash,
Grandfather and stepfather died of cancer,
Lost a hundred thousand dollar a year business as a teenager,
Had $30,000 cash in the bank and lost it all,
All this and much more happened to Gary in about 4 years _ all by the time he was 21 years old.
But he has bounced back now! So, today Gary owns several businesses and pilots his own private airplane and helicopter - he truly walks his talk.
We’d link you to his website but it’s full of popups. Besides, if you really want to learn about this, you’ll pick yourself up by your bootstraps and fight through gale force winds filled with snakes surfing on shards of glass to kill the men who stand between you and a Google text entry box.
Haven’t had enough of Gary Coxe, self-help superstar? This anonymous tipster writes to tell us exactly how successful Gary’s amazing program has been for Coxe himself:
The helicopter Gary is standing behind is not even his. He leases it!
The several business he owns are 2- a helicopter school (with a leased helicopter) where he maybe has 2 students and his company where he spams people to buy his book and where he sells self-help bullshit.
The building he runs BOTH business out of is a falling apart ‘renovated’ warehouse space.
He does own his own plane, but that is nothing to write home about either. It is an aztec, that looks like it should be in a scrap yard.
Did I mention his car. This man who supposedly has so much drives a rusted out Dodge Intrepid and his wife drives an older hyundai station wagon.
Oh and the ironic part is that is is always this pushy. He is also a Jehova’s Witness whom will knock on your door and not shut up when you answer.
I have a friend who used to be a sales person for Gary and my friend will not come foward because I guess he was under some kind of contract not to ‘slander’ the dick, but I am a different story!
Tell your friend to buck up!
JoinedPosts by dilaceratus
Is Gary Coxe one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by dilaceratus incan anyone confirm or deny this report? .
heres a spam we keep getting for some reason, despite the fact that the sender, gary coxe, isnt going to trick us into hiring him for a weekly column about how to struggle against adversity (or whatever it is he expects to get out of emailing a shopping site).
Library of Congress & the Watchtower publications...
by Rabbit indoes anybody know what is stored there ?
i was under the impression that all periodicals and books published, at least in the usa, were stored there.. so-o, if they would have all the 'old stuff', wouldn't that be an interesting thing to point out to active jw's ?
the one's who don't think anything has been changed ?.
Contrary to a somewhat common belief, the Library of Congress does not have a copy of everything that is or has been published or copyrighted in the United States.
One item they do keep in their collection that is of particular interest is the 1934 Yearbook, which contains not only the notorious "Declaration of Facts", but also a few other arguably anti-Semitic comments. -
WTS vs Quotes: Requiem for a Research Web Site
by Quotes inin compliance with the terms of a settlement agreement, my information and research web site,, is now "dark".
the domain "" has been transferred to wts (i assume they will have it pointing to asap).
my copies of the site have been destroyed, the files deleted, and my wt library cd has been destroyed, in accordance with the settlement agreement which will afford a "discontinuance" of their suit against me.
This is a genuine shame, not only for your considerable editorial and compilation work, but for all legitimate intellectual pursuits.
Any member who supports or defends a group that suppresses-- publicly!-- its own history is someone so morally bankrupt as to be beneath contempt. -
Charles Taze Russell & His Secret Mission To S. California That Killed Him
by West70 inthe last 5 months of charles taze russell's life was quite hectic, and according to reports in the watch tower magazine, russell's health was declining throughout.
in september, 1916, russell went on a convention train tour which lasted nearly the entire month.
this train tour included stops in several southern california locations around the 8th through the 12th.
The first I saw of this theory was on H2O, around 1999 or so, when "Focus" was offering a highly dubious diagnosis based on the written descriptions of Russell's symptoms. If I recall correctly, he was trying to suggest that some homeopathic remedies (containing arsenic?) may have been somehow involved. The details are dim, as it was of no consequence. He and "Farkel" batted it around until some new source of personal outrage could be found.
It's sad to say that even this unprovable, paranoid conspiracy theory looks like the work of a sound mind when compared to the embarrassing, hateful bilge some on this board are presently spewing. It is astonishing to me that ex-Witnesses fail to see that their prior involvement with that odious organization was as a result of indulging in gossip and speculation as a way of life-- merely changing the content of that gossip and speculation is a lateral move, at best. -
John Lennon's 65th Birthday 9th October
by PaulJ inhe would have been 65 on monday.
just wanted to say i think he is a absolute legend and that his music gets better the more you listen to it.
i wonder what he would have achieved both politically and musically if he was still alive?
Lennon was born 09 October 1940, not 10 0ctober.
Why the Mainstream Media's reluctance to publish WTS vs Quotes battle?
by EscapedLifer1 inwe were unable to generate any interest the first go-around with the wts threatening quotes, and now it seems the mainstream media is for the most part ignoring us again.. i have also sent out numerous releases and letters to local media outlets (newspaper, tv, etc.
) prior to a number of district conventions, and never got any kind of response nor did i ever see anything anything printed or broadcast except the "fluff" pieces they do about the convention, baptism, drama, blah, blah.
after reading several local articles, from several different cities, reciting how much $$$$ the conventions bring to each city, i have a feeling that, at least these cases regarding the dc's, the media doesn't want to go after a large contributor to the local economy.. but, what about this case, the lawsuit against quotes?
Try and think like an editor, for goodness sakes. What would make this story more newsworthy today than it would be tomorrow? Nothing. This story could run next week in the religion section, next month at the tail end of a "News of the Weird" type filler, or tomorrow as a lead editorial. There's no essential reason it needs to run right now-- when someone actually goes to court, when actual evidence of "embarrassment" or "loss of reputation" is presented-- those are "events" on which a larger story might hang, and then possibly grow. Among others, I have made the major news outlets and a good number of individual reporters and editors aware of this story, but reputable news organizations are in the news business, not the SCANDAL! industry. Right now, as far as news goes, it is worth following, but it doesn't have legs.
Currently, there are a number of issues of compelling interest in the world press, and, for a change, stories the public is actaully following. (While, last August, this whole harassment problem might have been immediately picked up.) This Quotes story does have merit, and a small degree of newsworthiness, but it has no pressing need to be told at the moment. Keep reminding your contacts, and on some particularly slow day, some bored middleweight might want to inflate a blurb into a minor piece of investigative reportage. Stranger things have happened.
On a more likely venue of media exposure, I have been in contact with some nationally syndicated writers on this topic, and there's agreement that there are principles involved in this case which would make it a viable subject for an American audience, and there is a justifiable tone of outrage which might suit a certain type of commentator. At present, those columnists who seem to be most interested are either among the (seeming legions of) Catholic conservatives or Libertarians-- not exactly my usual crowd, but I wasn't sure who would pick up on this. (The Right will generally not criticize any Christian religion, and the Left has enough problems with I.D.ers and a Faith-based Administration to take on a small-fry problem like this.) Again, the problem is that this is the sort of evergreen piece that could be written now and run any time in the next year, to no appreciable difference (from the columnist's perspective). Still, it has a few juicy details, and anyone with contacts in this field might find a receptive audience.
Now, if someone wants to be smart and figure out a way to make this story both compelling and have some genuine immediacy, go to it. -
Watch Tower sues Quotes for $100,000 plus plus plus...
by Quotes incourt file no.
superior court of justice.
watchtower bible and tract society of .
Dear Foreward:
In response to your comments, I again draw attention to the cumulatively transformative value of the extensive Highlighting done on the Quotes website, as well as the archiving and categorization of the quotes from an enormous base of material, all of which provide both real and implied editorial content.
As I commented some months ago on this topic (
23 May 2005
The Drive
Dear Quotes:
When this harassment issue arose earlier, I had assumed that it would be resolved by your counsel's excellent response. Around that time the following article appeared: (Osama, Call Your Agent! Is Doubleday violating Bin Laden's copyright? By Brendan I. Koerner)
While dealing with American law, its essence pertains to the Berne Conventions. It offers a good, succinct popular overview, with specific relevances to the fair use issues you face, suggesting that in some instances even a one hundred percent usage of booklength source material may not infringe on a copyright. Additionally, one avenue possibly worth pursuing are the editing, categorizing, and and particularly the highlighting you use on your website, which of itself offers both real and implied cumulatively transformative information. At any rate, the counsel you obtained seems to be first-rate, and must have assured you that there is no merit to this harassment.
Tactically, there could be no advantage to the WTS pursuing this worthless case to the point of actually suing you, since, unlike most of their idiocies which harm only those within their power, such a lawsuit would have real news value. Jehovah's Witnesses value systems and motivations are so beyond my ken, however, that should they continue, you may expect both whatever support you require and an exponential increase in the spread of the information you sought to distribute with your website.
My congratulations on your achievement with your website (which I have read, and enjoyed in a rather perverse way). Its effectiveness is evident.
Best regards,
[Dilaceratus] -
Watch Tower sues Quotes for $100,000 plus plus plus...
by Quotes incourt file no.
superior court of justice.
watchtower bible and tract society of .
31. The Defendant’s main purpose in operating the website is not “fair use”, but rather to try to embarrass the Plaintiffs by quoting selectively from some of the Religious Works in a manner that misleads Internet users as to the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses...
Chalk one up for the Psychic Abilities of Messers Bereskin & Parr, as they heirarchically probe the mind of Mr [Quotes] in order to determine his "main purpose." Still, it seems they may have a point-- Why did Mr [Quotes] fail to make mention of Plaintiff's innumerable predictions that have been fulfilled?
Also-- Two suggestions to those who may wish to send out press releases or otherwise notify their local media of this development: a) Unless you know the reporter or editor personally, wait until Monday. Friday afternoon is when you release information you don't want to have published. b) A good few of the press releases that have been sent out from seemingly reputable ex-Witness sources are embarrassing, and give every impression of being the work of yokels. If you do not have the ability to spell correctly and to write coherently, succinctly, and dispassionately, you are providing no help to your cause. If anything, your release will not only be immediately discarded as the work of a crackpot, but it will also prejudice the editor against any competent release that follows. -
by Terry infor the critic of so-called apostate sites i offer the following.
the taste of bitter fruit.
the watchtower bible and tract society is a publishing company with a purpose.
An Imagined Boudoir Conversation between Ms Rice and Mr Conroy:
What kind of candle was it?
A flickering candle! In a drafty room.
It must have been some ride, then?
Aye, it was a wild ride of lurid enticements.
That took its toll?
Oh, surely--'twas a huge toll!
What a tragedy!
Indeed, the long dark pall of it.
[Ecce signum,]
Myles naGopaleen, Jr.
COMING NEXT WEEK: The Plain People of Ireland again have their say! -
Pi and the Universe-Interesting
by IronGland inadd them together .
add the result to the second largest number .
inside that room, they're just numbers.
rebel8 wrote: "That was very interesting. I'm hungry for some raspberry pie pi now. [redacted graphical representation of an emotion apparently similar to the feeling experienced upon sitting down at a place setting of Brutalist-influence]
"I have read similar things before. It is really hard to explain it away as a coincidence."
Although I am purposely misunderstanding your comment rebel8, the coïncidence that you have read something similar before comes from the fact that this post was lifted in its entirety from:
I am certain that a mathematical education should be the second highest priority for anyone who has ever been under the sway of Fundamentalists-- especially simple-minded numerologists like the Jehovah's Witnesses-- but failure to cite the author(s) of such a lengthy work is grossly misleading, as the comments that followed indicate.
[Dilaceratus] Celebrated Fields Medalist