I didn't see this news posted on this forum:
Posts by rebel8
Russia's Supreme Court Declares Jehovah's Witnesses Website Extremist
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/russia-s-supreme-court-declares-jehovah-s-witnesses-website-extremist/512562.html.
russia's supreme court declares jehovah's witnesses website extremist.
the moscow times.
The Days if Noah - Is this the new unofficial generation?
by cofty inedit - "the days of noah" damn!.
long story short - i need to go to bed!
i was in edinburgh today with my wife (football, coffee, walks, food, cinema) and i always try to take 10 minutes to have a chat with the jws on the trolley in the "big city".. i challenged an older guy who turned out to be an pioneer about the generation.
He insisted that he was the same generation as his own grandmother!
And another thing: omg.
Socially awkward
by tamagotchi ingrowing up a jw has made me some what socially awkward.
i would often push people away due to my weird traits.
this was made worse by surrounding myself with certain people within the congregation who didn't have my best interest at heart, who now i know where trying to bring me down, this has invoked in me trust issues with people i meet.
Take a Myers-Briggs test and then seek out people who have a similar personality profile.
Also check out meetup.com and find structured social activities with people who have similar interests. It's easier to socialize with structure.
Effect of reading here.
by New day insaomebody mentioned in a recent thread here i think that the more they read here the more they feel angry at the wt.
personally, as an ex-elder (only resigned a few months ago) i feel that it is more like suddenly being on the outside looking in at a whole group of people playing parts.
the zealous pioneers answering all the time.
One of the main reasons I left is because I was being forced into a role that was not natural or healthy for me. Here I am my natural self, 25 years post-borg.
Behaviors and beliefs take time to change, and that's if you're actively trying to change them. Here you see people in different phases of healing and change.
I'm Ready... Thank you
by Garrett inhey guys,.
so, something amazing happened recently.
i recently met with an old and very good friend of mine.
It is a fact that disassociation is a religious ritual of jws. It is a fact that you voluntarily participated in it.
This statement of fact requires no authority--it is simply a fact we all know is true, including you.
Your reasons for doing so do not change the fact that it is a religious ritual you participated in. If you are enthusiastic about it, great--why not embrace it for what it truly is then?
Who do you think appears to be more under WTS control, someone honest enough to state their view publicly, or someone who pretends to still be JW who does not believe any of it?
I am not sure if you mean this the way I am taking it, but that sounds like a false dichotomy: Either you DA or you are pretending to be a jw.
Because it is totally possible to "state a view publicly" without DAing, those who choose to DA must have a different purpose. Whatever that is, it's their own choice to make and affects me in no way whatsoever.
DAing was your chosen path. Surely you can respect that others can make their own choices too.
I'm Ready... Thank you
by Garrett inhey guys,.
so, something amazing happened recently.
i recently met with an old and very good friend of mine.
I would be interested in getting clarification on what is meant by this.
I never bought into the "it is playing by their rules argument". Most who say this are really pretty much faking it
Faking what?
it is equally as judgmental to claim "playing by their rules"
Why do you view this as judgmental? DA is their religious ritual; voluntarily participating in it is playing by their rules. This is just a statement of fact, not judgment.
when they don't know your personal reasons for DA). I did gain great peace of mind from it
I can't imagine many personal reasons. Is my list missing anything?
- Expressing your feelings/beliefs to your former cultmates by use of a cult ritual (their rules).
- Seeking a sense of closure by forcing the cult grant it to you (their rules).
- Any variation on #2--getting some sort of catharsis by participating in the cult ritual of DA (their rules).
- Utilizing a cult ritual (their rules) to cut off contact from your former cultmates.
- Seeking punishment (their rules).
Anyone who wants to play by their rules is free to do so. That's the beauty of the freedom you now have.
Need Help Designing a JW Barbie Doll
by worldlygirl inwhen i saw englishman's post about a theme for his "barbie", i thought he meant barbie doll.
anyway, i was thinking what a jw barbie would look like.
I practically wet my pants reading this thread.
Why is it getting revived? Are those real dolls someone made?
Pencil skirts are not very jw. How about a full, ankle-length Little House on the Prarie skirt with tiny flowers? A blouse buttoned to a normal spot and then an extra button done for jehoopla (that used to be a saying: "Stop where you think you should, then do one extra for Jehovah").
Barbie will wear a full slip and thick pantyhose. Dull colors. No makeup.
She will have a full length, padded winter coat, long johns under her skirt, socks under warm, practical boots.
She will have a McDonald's hot cocoa in her hand to keep her warm for a winter's day in fs.
How do you respond to JW family?
by Laika infor those who have left and are still in contact with jw family, how do you usually respond when they bring up jw stuff, i.e.
start talking about the nearness of armageddon or things like that.. i usually say nothing and just let it pass but i'm considering changing tact to something more confrontational, less because i want to change their mind and more because i find it tiresome.
I have a zero tolerance policy.
I set the ground rules clearly--there will be no incidental witnessing, no "aren't times getting so bad", etc. without me responding in kind.
And then I consistently keep my promise. I keep a few zingers memorized to blurt out when needed--really scandalous stuff about the borg.
It's magic--no more conversations about religion, and if there's a slip, I get to vent immediately.
My wife is frightened about the end/ What to say without sounding Apostate?
by suavojr inmy wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text.
i don't read it anymore, therefore i went online and found this.. tuesday, march 3 .
those days will be cut short.matt.
I have been verbally, financially and physically abused horribly by jws. There are some I'd like to replace their real yearbooks with one that had texts like in the OP, culminating in an abrupt stop before year's end. Like the Mayan calendar. And let them stew on that. -
What would you do with an abuse settlement?
by StarTrekAngel inwhat would you do if you were conti or lopez and had a large award?
sure, the options and the tastes are many but consider this.... i don't know if this has already been covered or mentioned but i think there would be no better investment of that money than to put into a non-profit.
on dedicated to seek out and bring forward more cases.
I hope the victims would spend some of it on themselves to ease some of the pain they've gone through. Therapy, fun, more free time, meditation courses, freedom from worrying about money.