They are making a kids' version too.
It's told from the perspective of Caleb. His 7 friends leave the Borg.
Chapter 1: Joshua misses meetings after feeling guilty for masturbating. Jehovah is disappointed. And titillated.
Chapter 2: Aaron has a Sparlock doll. Demons materialize as a snake while he's drinking his oj. Jehovah is sad.
Chapter 3: Rachel wears red lipstick. She doesn't show repentance when the elders try to lovingly counsel her. Jehovah hates that, so he has to have the elders to throw her out the window. And he's titillated.
Chapter 4: Matthew wears tight pants, and instantly turns gay. Jehovah is disappointed. And titillated.
Chapter 5: Esther wears a skirt that shows her kneecaps. She immediately becomes a prostitute. Jehoopla is annoyed. And titillated.
Chapter 6: Diana and Peter go on a first date after having met earlier that day at the literature counter in the back of the hall. Their chaperone leaves them together in the car for 5 minutes while he runs to the ATM. They instantaneously have sex. Diana gets pregnant, even after only this single sex interview (like cows). They are forced to have a quickie wedding in Peter's mom's back yard. Jehoho cries.
Chapter 7: Luke lounges at Dunkin Donuts instead of watching his literature cart. No one is there to help the angels separate the sheep from the goats. Jehovah is pissed off. Lazy Luke. How is he going to develop his work ethic so he can dig all those graves in Paradise?