Why would non-JWs be interested? It targets a very, very small groupRight. Either...
...this billboard is directly next to a KH and was targeted specifically at the dubs who would see it on their way in (who travel from that direction on the road)...OR...
...it would have been better to consult with a marketing professional first. Billboards reach the general public. They don't know what a KH and elders are and since the message says "your KH", it's not a message directed at them anyway. People ignore ads not directed at them personally, like I ignore ads about prostates and baby diapers.
For the general public, the messaging should be cult prevention, which could easily be done with a similar tagline like, "Is a cult recruiter knocking on your door?"
I'd rather see public awareness change.
Me too--too bad this message doesn't really accomplish that. :(
Boldness, willingness to follow through, creativity and ability to get needed financial support are all skills this individual obviously has and are needed for a successful project. Unfortunately marketing knowledge may be missing (again, unless it's reaching specific JWs who see this particular billboard on the side of the road they travel on).