Posts by rebel8
How to handle invites to dinner after Sunday meeting?
by FadeToBlack ini have not been to a meeting for over a year.
yesterday, when my wife returned from the 1 day assembly, i got an invite for dinner next sunday.
i said i would think about it, to be honest, as nice as the people are, it would just be boring listening to their comments about everything jw.
"I'm sorry I can't make it. I've come down with a case of explosive diarrhea. It just comes on me without warning. Sometimes I can't even make it to the bathroom in time. This has become a chronic condition, so I won't be better any time soon. Leviticus counsels us to stay away from others when we are unclean." -
by done4good inin jw land having such was verboten.
who are some of yours and why?.
1. nikola tesla - greatest inventor ever, and the only one i know of who was a true scientist as well.. 2. elon musk - there is a reason he chose the great inventor's name for his masterpiece work...also has a serious pair.... 3. jim morrison - brilliant and mad poet.. 4. mike krzyzewski - the epitome of success.. 5. maya angelou - brilliant humanistic poet and writer.. 6. albert einstein - do i actually have to qualify this?.
Great thread.
5. Jimmy Carter - Four years as president and not one war. Into his 90's a worker for better things in the world, health and political. Helped wipe out a major disease in africa that killed millions.
He also publicly quit a xian church for being misogynistic.
I would add Matilda Gage, who acted fearlessly for civil rights of women, American Indians, slaves and atheists. Because of the latter, the other major women's rights activists shunned her, and history was rewritten to not give her credit for her own acts.She was also an employed writer in an era and culture that did not permit women to be educated and employed. She encouraged her son-in-law's writings, which included The Wizard of Oz.
She was willing to change her viewpoint. She had been involved in something offensive to the local tribes. She apologized and made amends, eventually receiving their forgiveness.
Breaking Heart Needs Help
by thankyou inwas happily married many yrs unconditional love till wife went heaven yr n half ago.
3 mos ago sun morn.
when i once asked her if she been abused, cause seems like it, she didn't ans just hung her head.
It is very possible for a JW to be homeless/transient. They strongly discourage careers and education, just wait for the Sky Daddy to take care of you.
The head shaving has nothing to do with JW. In fact, she will probably be counseled by the church elders for doing that because it draws attention to herself. (Sometimes homeless folks will shave their heads because of lice they got from sleeping in infested bedding.)
JW do not believe in psychiatric help or mental illness. She would be looked down upon for having a mental illness and more so for getting treatment.
jw do not date w/o chaperones. She would get in trouble for being alone with you. The fact that you are a non-jw means she would get in deeper trouble.
This woman has a lot of problems.
Your thoughts on Halloween , yes, no or maybe ?
by Finkelstein inwell its that time again when the ghouls come out to play.
i personally think halloween is a bit irresponsible and inappropriate from a sociological perspective.. there's something about the intent of frightening young impressionable children minds with frightening objests.
and feeding them candy which most likely cause tooth decay and stomachs is irresponsible activity conducted by adults.
Actually Rebel that has happened in the past unfortunately.
Yes, it is mentioned in the article I linked to.
What I was pointing out is that it has happened only a few times, and most of those were found to be siblings playing practical jokes on each other. The article discusses all the times it really happened, and the fact that it became an urban myth that it was being done in a broad sense.
Interestingly, most of the times it really happened were near times when the Satanic Ritual Abuse scare (myth) was going on too.
Some pranksters were playing upon the mass hysteria at the time.
I was a jw at the time and they were all about amplifying those 2 rumors. Razor candy was one of the reasons given for not celebrating Halloween. It is a relief to be able to to put it into perspective after leaving the cult.
Your thoughts on Halloween , yes, no or maybe ?
by Finkelstein inwell its that time again when the ghouls come out to play.
i personally think halloween is a bit irresponsible and inappropriate from a sociological perspective.. there's something about the intent of frightening young impressionable children minds with frightening objests.
and feeding them candy which most likely cause tooth decay and stomachs is irresponsible activity conducted by adults.
Also, those scumbags that put drugs, pins, and razor blades in products to be handed out as treats ought to be tried and then tortured.
Your thoughts on Halloween , yes, no or maybe ?
by Finkelstein inwell its that time again when the ghouls come out to play.
i personally think halloween is a bit irresponsible and inappropriate from a sociological perspective.. there's something about the intent of frightening young impressionable children minds with frightening objests.
and feeding them candy which most likely cause tooth decay and stomachs is irresponsible activity conducted by adults.
I love Halloween. The neighborhood bonds and we have a good laugh. It's amusing to go out to a bar in costume too--it breaks the ice and gives a reason to strike up conversations with strangers.
It's pure fun. Life is hard. Having a few laughs is awesome.
I don't like being scared myself and would not go to haunted houses so people can scare me. I wouldn't startle others either.
I do have some spooky decorations. Life is spooky. It's ok if we make light of that. It's kind of empowering to mock death.
There is no such thing as demons or ghosts, so that part is just for laughs.
Should I associate with this person?
by stuckinarut2 inso there is a guy who wants me to associate with him.
but there are some strange things about him, such as:.
he hears "direction from unseen" forces.. he thinks the idea of slavery was ok.. he likes killing animals and splashing their blood around and making huge bonfires of carcasses smoke all day long.. he has one wife, or maybe two, but is ok with having lots of other sleeping partners as well.. he likes another person who slept with his own daughters.. he thinks women should be subservient and "keep their place".. he frowns on education.. he thinks killing in a war is ok if they deserve it...even babies should be killed.. he is often asking for money.. he thinks that pyramids foretell the future, and that only a few people can explain divine truths to him, except their explanations have changes many, many times...often contradicting other teachings.... etc..... get it?
LOL, no, you should stay far away from whatever biblical character you're referring to. He is bad association.
My First Birthday.....
by The Marvster ini awoken today and realised immidiately i'm 44 today... and after 3 years of being out, decided to acknowledge my birthday.... i'm off out to treat myself to a big hearty breakfast with cup of tea in the local weatherspoon's by the massive pond full of weird bird-life, later today i'm giving myself a gift of a 90 minute relaxation session in a float tank down by canary wharf in london.... only really have 2 close friends (it's a slow process trusting people agian) and they probably won't be able to see me today, but i'm sure i'll have a belated surprise from them both.... the first thing i did when i remembered was to rush to the computer, connect to the web and put on stevie wonder's 'happy birthday', as i listen to it, tears stream down my face... all those years of my life stolen ' but..... i'm free....'.
Hope you enjoyed your day. (I have no idea what a Weatherspoon's or a float tank is.)
Did you like hymns as a jw?
by jean-luc picard ini was just explaining to mrs picard........ never a jw, and not english, how we used to celebrate the harvest festival, when i was 7 and younger, before my parents converted to jw'ism.. i loved to sing "we plough the fields and scatter".
of course, singing such hymns is, to a jw, paramount to apostasy,with the death penalty like punishment the ensued.. how really stupid their harsh rules.. did you have any favourite hymns?.
i think we would all agree, that they beat the pants off the "kingdom melodies".
Yes, some that I remember from pre-borgification are Ave Maria, Kumbaya, and Amazing Grace. -
Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. It's impossible.
by DATA-DOG ingood morning.
i was just checking out the forum and something occured to me.
jws simply cannot be christians.
The dictionary says people who believe in Jesus as a supernatural god are xians. jws meet that criteria.
It strikes me that all other distinctions are really things individual religions have chosen to add to the definition, which is what denominations and religions are all about--making their own definitions.
"Belong to Jesus" vs. "receiving salvation through Jesus' sacrifice" to them is a big deal, because they get to convince themselves they are the teacher's pets.
To me, it doesn't really matter which one is more "into" Jesus or any other imaginary bearded sky daddy. The bible has been massively disproven as a source of fact, truth, wisdom and morality.