IIRC someone did identify the names of the interpreters a while back.
Posts by rebel8
Remember that WT masturbation video? Who is the sign language person?
by FatFreek 2005 inbelow are a few screen captures from the video to serve as a reminder of what he looks like.
below those will be a few captures from a weather forecaster now at our kark tv (arkansas).
his name is matt peterson.
Seems like the perfect holiday for j-dubs
by rebel8 inif this article is correct, (american) thanksgiving's origins have several things j-dubs love.
the xian god.
genocide of nonbelievers that included men, women and children alike.
I am surprised jws don't have a "looking forward to Armageddon and mass executions" holiday.
They could have a parade like Day of the Dead, with participants dressing as various types of sinners (skinny pants wearers, windchime owners), good dubs (pushing literature carts), or already dead people.
At the end of the parade, the sinners jump into a big crevice and the few good dubs end up at a petting zoo with giant fruit to eat, while the dead rise up off the ground.
Ex-Jehovah's Witness elder jailed for sex assaults on schoolgirl
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is becoming more common.
this is from the last part of the article: .
"this was about sexual gratification and you are a hypocrite because you became an elder and you investigated a sexual matter even with this in your sexual background.".
"admitted" is very different to "confessed" IMO
The former is what someone does when they have been caught.Agreed.
My purpose in referring to it was that he acknowledges what he did was illegal and wrong, not that he is fully remorseful (as a regular human being with a conscience would be).
The victim, perp and court all agree it was wrong and illegal, so speculation about her being near the age of consent is moot.
Seems like the perfect holiday for j-dubs
by rebel8 inif this article is correct, (american) thanksgiving's origins have several things j-dubs love.
the xian god.
genocide of nonbelievers that included men, women and children alike.
If this article is correct, (American) Thanksgiving's origins have several things j-dubs love.
- the xian God
- genocide of nonbelievers that included men, women and children alike
- gloating over the genocide of nonbelievers
- historical revisionism
- praying before a meal
I wonder why they object to it so much.
Ex-Jehovah's Witness elder jailed for sex assaults on schoolgirl
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is becoming more common.
this is from the last part of the article: .
"this was about sexual gratification and you are a hypocrite because you became an elder and you investigated a sexual matter even with this in your sexual background.".
The article does not state the victim's age, but it does repeatedly refer to her as a "schoolgirl" and "child". It also states she had feelings of confusion around the act. These things do not probably indicate a female at the cusp of the age of legal consent, right?
In any case, the elder admitted the crime and said he felt ongoing guilt about the act.
I guess it's very inaccurate for me to call it "the act" because it occurred over a period of time greater than 2 years long.
The court, victim and perp all agree she was not old enough to consent to the contact, that it was wrong and illegal. Seems like there is no debate at all about her consent.
Dont Give Them More Power Than They Deserve
by Tech49 ina new montra that was recently adopted by the wife and i is this:.
dont give them more power than they deserve.. here's why i say that, and i point this to those of you still in the congregation, still trying to decide what you want to do.. recently, our family had a little family reunion gathering of sorts, and we were in the company of some extended family that were either df or da, to varying degrees.
we made it very clear, to any and all in attendance, that we wanted to be respectful and kind, despite any previous perceptions about our "status".... and that our feelings on a lot of things had "softened", and "changed" over the last 2 years.. i am being purposefully slightly vague, but i think you get the point.
This is my mantra as well. All their authority is peer-conveyed. Once you do not recognize it, it does not exist for you.
Have you considered blocking their texts and emails? It is quite a satisfying way to take your power back. They don't even get to harass your voicemail. It irritates the heck out of them.
Ex-Jehovah's Witness elder jailed for sex assaults on schoolgirl
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is becoming more common.
this is from the last part of the article: .
"this was about sexual gratification and you are a hypocrite because you became an elder and you investigated a sexual matter even with this in your sexual background.".
i think these historic cases of abuse could easily get way out of control. most times theres no evidence--and its just one persons word against another. also--accusations could be made against any of us.
You do realize this individual admitted the crime and was convicted by trial, right?!!!!
Ex-Jehovah's Witness elder jailed for sex assaults on schoolgirl
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is becoming more common.
this is from the last part of the article: .
"this was about sexual gratification and you are a hypocrite because you became an elder and you investigated a sexual matter even with this in your sexual background.".
Creepy. Pedos don't change, in my professional experience. They can't.
I was just talking to another former therapist about treatment effectiveness. She specialized in these types of perps. She said she thinks one or two stopped offending over the course of her career, and she stipulated she can only confirm they hadn't been caught again.
As to the remark in the OP, "This is becoming more common," do you mean media stories about it are more common, or the crimes themselves? If the crimes, what are you basing this on?
If they only had a brain
by Sour Grapes inlast sunday i visited a hall to see a friend.
the brother giving the talk spent the first 20 minutes talking about how bad the world is and then the next 10 minutes he pointed out how god's kingdom is the answer.
one thing he mentioned is all of the millions of starving children in the world and how the money that we spend on just a few bombs that are dropped in the wars could feed thousands of children.
I was in a store yesterday and they were selling xmas cards for Unicef. There was a sign that said how many vaccinations each pack of cards would buy, how much water or food, etc.
It would be interesting to calculate that based on the wealth the wts has. If only we knew how much that was.
Of course, we could pick one thing they waste their $ on--such as a new building--and calculate how many people could be fed with that money.
Didn't get the Watchtower today at all
by Pioneerbot ini know it's dumb to think it would make sense.
i've been telling myself to lay low because everytime i ask a question now my husband says i have a negative attitude and i sound like an apostate.
hmmm wonder why.
berry is right--you have an awesome opportunity to compose and send the letter together.
Take your time and be sure he totally agrees with what's in the letter. You don't want him going all Jezebel on you once the backlash comes.