According to their own counsel, they must rectify this and build the park as promised.
They should just get one of the idle quick build groups to go down there one week and get it done. This would be a "good witness" and a significant change from their previous behaviors.
Let Your Yes Mean Yes
“Just let
your word Yes mean Yes, your No, No.”—MATT.
15 Proving
true to our dedication vow means that we must also be faithful in other
important matters. For example: Are you married? Then continue to honor the
precious vow you made to love and cherish your marriage mate. Have you signed a
business contract or filled out an application form for theocratic privileges?
Then be true to your commitments and to what you have promised. Have you
accepted an invitation to a meal by someone of humble means? Then do not cancel
it if a seemingly better invitation is made by someone else. Or have you
promised someone you met in the house-to-house ministry that you would call
again to give that person further spiritual help? Then by all means let your Yes
mean Yes, and Jehovah will bless your ministry.—Read Luke 16:10.
16. If we
have failed to keep our word, what should we do?
16 The Bible
states that as imperfect humans, “we all stumble many times,” especially in the
use of our tongue. (Jas. 3:2) What should we do upon realizing that
we have failed to keep our word? In God’s Law to Israel, there was a merciful
provision for someone who was guilty of “speaking thoughtlessly with his lips.”
(Lev. 5:4-7, 11) There is also a loving provision for Christians who
commit such a sin. If we confess the specific sin to Jehovah, he will
mercifully forgive us through the office of our High Priest, Jesus Christ. (1 John 2:1, 2) To remain in God’s favor, however, we
must show fruits that befit repentance by not making a practice of such sins
and by doing our best to make amends for any harm done by our thoughtless
speech. (Prov. 6:2, 3) Of course, it is far better to
think carefully before making promises that we are unable to fulfill.—Read
Ecclesiastes 5:2.
18 By
proving faithful in the final test at the end of Jesus’ Millennial Reign, we
will never again have reason to doubt anyone’s word. (Rev. 20:7-10) Every Yes will mean Yes, and every No,
No. For everyone then living will be a perfect imitator of our loving
heavenly Father, Jehovah, “the God of truth.”—Ps. 31:5.