That organization may be able to help you secure housing or with emergency expenses to escape. They also offer college scholarships. All of this is targeted towards children in cults.
Escaping is not easy. I did it, with no $. My $ had been systematically confiscated with the single purpose of not enabling me to be able to move out of my cult mother's home.
I had to plot for a long time. You may have to, too. I got a job that had some cash income. I hid the cash. It was found a few times and confiscated, so I had to start over. I don't know what the rules are now, but back then, my parents could go to the bank and withdraw $ from my accounts, so it wasn't safe there.
I had to escape due to physical abuse. I found a worldly person willing to rent me half a bedroom for cheap. I stayed there til I was able to save some $ for my own teensy apartment. I kept doing that until I could get some specialized job skills so I could get a better paying job. And on and on it went until I became established in my career and earning a tidy income.
It's possible, difficult, and worth doing. You have some work ahead of you, but lots to look forward to.
*(Hint, hint--good cause to donate to!!)