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Posts by rebel8
Daily Mirror article about JWs destroying evidence
by Tornintwo ini can't see another thread but maybe i missed it:.
Disturbing how Christians Feel about Non-Christians
by LaurenM inso i posted a question on yahoo answers asking about what christians feel god feels about non-christians.
the overwhelming answer was that he feels they must convert to christianity or risk hell/death/distruction (john 3:16).
i just don't understand how this could be!
There is a question discussed in many basic philosophy courses that is profound: The question of evil.
A loving god could not be all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good. The things preached by the creator and his son in the bible are inconsistent with being omnibenevolent.
Did you go to your ASSIGNED congregation?
by Zoos inthe rule was (is) that you go to your assigned congregation.. growing up, i think our family was in our assigned congregation only one of three times.
the family made two major moves when i was a kid and each time my folks would visit the various congregations in the area and pick the one with the most kids.
given our association restrictions with the world, they wanted to make sure we had plenty of friends.. i have to give them credit where due.
It would be interesting to know if their fear is correct--is attending a non-assigned kingkongregation associated with subsequent inactivity?
I think they may be a bit off though. It's not always a causal relationship. Sure, the lights can turn on once you have a fresh perspective, or the pressure to participate is interrupted while you're moving. But...sometimes it's because people are trying to stay in despite serious concerns that they change kingkongs.
Olympics--Speaking in Tongues Competition
by rebel8 in.
Hey ya'll! My first post. Please help. In need of advice/comfort.
by Stepford Wife inhey ya'll!
i have been lurking for years on this site and others but never had the courage to post anything.
actually i was afraid of posting on an apostate site in the event i was wrong.
Maybe you can avoid saying stuff and just listen. Keep placating and thanking them, "You've given me a lot of spiritual food to digest."
Just got an apology from an exJW
by Village Idiot inso i'm back from the store walking to my apartment, over a hundred units in the complex - all jws and ex-jws - and i see someone talking to an ex-jw neighbor of mine.
she turns around and says "now there's some else i have to apologize to".. she identified herself as an old neighbor who used to play as a jw child right by my place.
she had told me how she was raised to consider me and all the ex-jws in the apartment complex as evil and thought she had to apologize for that.. made my day.
How does the forum software keep deleting my middle paragraphs? -
Just got an apology from an exJW
by Village Idiot inso i'm back from the store walking to my apartment, over a hundred units in the complex - all jws and ex-jws - and i see someone talking to an ex-jw neighbor of mine.
she turns around and says "now there's some else i have to apologize to".. she identified herself as an old neighbor who used to play as a jw child right by my place.
she had told me how she was raised to consider me and all the ex-jws in the apartment complex as evil and thought she had to apologize for that.. made my day.
This post made me remember something I had forgotten. After leaving, I tried making amends to those I harmed as a result of being in the cult. I apologized the RC church for writing a DA letter. I apologized to many worldly relatives and others. For the most part, they seemed totally uncomfortable when I brought it up. A few felt relief.
I don't know if any of these apologies made anyone feel better overall, come to think of it.
my worst fears were realized
by magotan inim on my phone, so im really limited.
i came out to my family about my doubts and my sexuality.
shit hit the fan.
My mother had gastric bypass
Amazing what mental gymnastics allow her to believe she's a-ok with her sin and you're a dead man walking.
I need some advise
by Lost his mind infollowing is a letter i am going to send to the entire family both jw and non.
i would like to get your advice on whether i should do it.
my husband has told me before to voice my complaints but i have yet.
I think your husband should reply to each contact individually as he receives them. If he's not willing to respond, then that calls into question his desire to fix things. IMHO -
Im sick of my life
by BlackWolf insorry but i really feel like i need to rant right now.
recently my dad was made an elder so my family has been doing a lot more "theocratic" activities lately.
every morning i wake up and put on my itchy dress and stupid makeup and heels and then pretend that i love what i'm doing and that everybody is my friend when in reality i feel horrible and all the other teenage girls at my hall hate me for some reason.
That organization may be able to help you secure housing or with emergency expenses to escape. They also offer college scholarships. All of this is targeted towards children in cults.
Escaping is not easy. I did it, with no $. My $ had been systematically confiscated with the single purpose of not enabling me to be able to move out of my cult mother's home.
I had to plot for a long time. You may have to, too. I got a job that had some cash income. I hid the cash. It was found a few times and confiscated, so I had to start over. I don't know what the rules are now, but back then, my parents could go to the bank and withdraw $ from my accounts, so it wasn't safe there.
I had to escape due to physical abuse. I found a worldly person willing to rent me half a bedroom for cheap. I stayed there til I was able to save some $ for my own teensy apartment. I kept doing that until I could get some specialized job skills so I could get a better paying job. And on and on it went until I became established in my career and earning a tidy income.
It's possible, difficult, and worth doing. You have some work ahead of you, but lots to look forward to.
*(Hint, hint--good cause to donate to!!)