Here is some info I found.
According to , his date of birth is 1/5/1950, his offense date is 12/21/1992, 1st Deg Sexual Assault On A Child, Milwaukee County, Wi # 92cf923464, and he is a registered sex offender.
I don't find him in the Wisconsin sex offender registry.
I do find him in the Colorado registry.
This has slightly different info than the site:
OUTOFSTATE 1ST DEG SEXUAL ASSAULT ON A CHILD, Milwaukee County, WI # 92CF923464 conviction date: 12-21-1992 Felony Conviction
So...he is guilty of 1st degree sexual assault on a child in Wisconsin, which means there was either bodily harm or sexual intercourse with this particular child.
Definition of 1st degree sexual assault on a child in Wisconsin:
This is not some creep who likes mature teenagers or went too far with someone whose age was not known to him. There is no way to minimize this crime. He did this with a relative who was 9 years old, and his symbolic, superficial statements to the reporter do not indicate he is reformed.
Also, odds are, this is not his first sexual assault of a child, or possibly his last either. This just happens to be the only one where he got caught and convicted.