You really don't need to go further than to look at the Society's own words.
You can look up these publications yourself to confirm the information is true.
Quotes from the Society's publications
Scans of Golden Age and other publications
Be sure to keep in mind the Society claims to be Jehovah's only channel since ancient times. The new light doctrine is used to excuse previous inaccuracies, but to what extent would Jehovah's only true representative on Earth be so wrong?
Wouldn't they know that germs are real, for example? Why would Jehovah specifically guide His Organization to believe they are not real?
This will all blow your mind. Keep thinking, keep fact checking, keep going as far as you can stand. You will need to take a break now and again to wrap your head around all of the shocking things you will find out.
You will go through a grief process as though a good friend died--shock, denial, bargaining, depression, anger and acceptance. These are normal feelings. Give yourself permission to feel them. Just try to not get stuck on any one phase too long so you can get to acceptance. :)