A guy said he was possessed by demons and acted like he was actively hearing voices.
Everything else was an invitation to "overcome objections".
knocked on a door on a saturday morning.
a window opened on the floor above me.
a grizzled old man stuck his head out and said, " we're all heathens here!
A guy said he was possessed by demons and acted like he was actively hearing voices.
Everything else was an invitation to "overcome objections".
i am a newbie, and yes current jw.
i have been dealing with a lot confusion for months now.
i guess it started last year when i found myself losing my zeal, desire for spiritual things.
You really don't need to go further than to look at the Society's own words.
You can look up these publications yourself to confirm the information is true.
Quotes from the Society's publications
Scans of Golden Age and other publications
Be sure to keep in mind the Society claims to be Jehovah's only channel since ancient times. The new light doctrine is used to excuse previous inaccuracies, but to what extent would Jehovah's only true representative on Earth be so wrong?
Wouldn't they know that germs are real, for example? Why would Jehovah specifically guide His Organization to believe they are not real?
This will all blow your mind. Keep thinking, keep fact checking, keep going as far as you can stand. You will need to take a break now and again to wrap your head around all of the shocking things you will find out.
You will go through a grief process as though a good friend died--shock, denial, bargaining, depression, anger and acceptance. These are normal feelings. Give yourself permission to feel them. Just try to not get stuck on any one phase too long so you can get to acceptance. :)
new letter today (please visit avoidjw.org for a copy of the official letter and yes, i also noticed they got the date wrong!).
february 28, 2017. to all bodies of elders.
re: visiting disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals.
This sounds like great news to me.
But check out the backwards logic: We found a strategy that is effective; hence, we're going to stop that strategy now.
a friend of mine (a jw) delivered a premature baby, and the outlook is grim.. she is posting updates on facebook, and where everyone else is offering prayers for them both, and how "jehovah loves them both very much", and i got...nothing.
nothing that would be comforting.
big man in the sky has zero to do with this, only medical science and chance will have any bearing on this.i wish i could lie convincingly to her and to myself and have something nice to say.
+1 for the fresh fruit, and if I could like freddo's comment more than once, I would. I said a similar thing in a similar situation recently.
sorry if this was posted before but if it was then it is worth repeating and discussing.
the hypocrisy of the jw cult knows no bounds.
supposedly, the reason jw's are not allowed to vote is because they must not be a part of this world.
There was a referendum years ago on whether we should have 'day-light' saving.
So did you vote for old light or new light?
i have too much time on my hands.
my investigations are turning up some neat historical facts..
i'm a baptized jw...been baptized for 8 years...and throughout the years i've been baptized i see "hypocrisy" so to speak in the religion...when you're new and not baptized that's when the jws want to invite you to every gathering they have, they want to appear like they're your best friend...they want to help you out when needed and so forth...however, once you're baptized you go to the elders for help they don't help you....all they do is gather you around the office...have bibles in hand and so forth...they give you articles as well, instead of physically helping you out....but yet when you weren't baptized they would physically help you out and not throw scriptures and articles in your face.
also when you ask for help and so forth with the bros/sisters they want to throw the "each one must carry his/her own load" scripture at you.....but yet what happened to the scripture of taking care of widows and people who are orphans?.
it's not just one congregation...throughout the 8 years i've been baptized i've been through many kingdom halls...many towns...many states...when i was inactive for awhile i even pretended to not be baptized and just play dumb when the witnesses came to my door...they're much nicer to you when you're not baptized then when you are baptized...why is that?.
when you're new and NOT BAPTIZED that's when the jws want to invite you to every gathering they have, they want to APPEAR like they're your best friend… It's not just ONE CONGREGATION...throughout the 8 years i've been baptized i've been through many kingdom halls...many towns...many states...when i was inactive for awhile I even pretended to not be baptized and just play dumb when the witnesses came to my door...they're much nicer to you when you're not baptized then when you are baptized...why is that?
Yes, many others have noticed this too. It is called love bombing.
I would love to talk to the elders about it, but then they'd either mark me and judge me.
..and I'm "thinking" this is a safe place to go to without being judged and ridiculed and marked...
Yes it is. There are a few jerks here but mostly nice people.
I don't even feel like going out in the ministry
You shouldn’t go in the ministry, straight up. There are many reasons for that. Take a total break from it right now while you sort it out. Jehovah is eternity. The ministry will be there if you change your mind. In the meantime, ponder if the religion, in real life, lives up to its claims:
John 13:35: "By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves"
when i was jw, my standard answer to "saint....anything" day was "well, i am not catholic.
" that's still a valid answer that i would feel like giving if i was seriously questioned on any catholic or religious holiday, although i might change it to "well, i am not christian.
but fun is fun.
Valentine's used to be the most painful day of the year for me.
In school, girls would be getting hearts and flowers. They would carry their flowers around all day with them to show them off. It was a painful reminder that I would never have a normal date or even a normal adulthood. I knew I never wanted to marry a jw, so what was I supposed to be for eternity, a spinster living among jws? eww.
Then, in the aftermath after escaping as a young adult, I had missed out on normal dating and was single longer than I wanted to be. I hated seeing people getting flowers at work and stuff in the stores.
i'm doing some research.
someone snitched over something minor-ish on me about six months ago the person is from a different hall, person got df ( over some other stuff) why haven't the elders talked to me?
Because Jehovah is unable to keep the congregation clean. This is a myth. If he really was able, there would be no child molesters in the congregations either. Think about it.
my mother wanted me to know that the co gave a talk that kinda-sorta reprimanded an elder in her hall.
he is not the reason i left at all, and this does not address anything to do with me or our family.. my mother-in-law sent me texts which i ignored and now she has sent a picture to my wife on facebook just for me, and it's a prodigal son meme that says, "you see the signs, come back it's not too late".. yeah, it's not too late to accept a global flood in 2370 bce, or that man was created in 4026 bce from a golem spell, or that an us-and-them cult mentality is at all healthy or loving, or that religion is going to be banned by the un, or that i should expect anyone else at the door to accept these stupid ideas in the information age.. what am i supposed to say?
i usually just ignore them, but before i do that, i see that shit and i storm into this weird internalized rage where i start writing a response and deleting it.
What am I supposed to say?
What I said to all of those dumb invitations is a very truthful answer.
Surprise, surprise--I haven't received one in years.
"When are you coming back?"
"Oh, you say that now, but so many have returned to jehulu. They see what it's like in the world and realize we are in Thee End Times. You will too."
"I am so much happier now that I left, and so much healthier too. World events show life has gotten so much better over the millennia. I am absolutely certain I will never return. I have known this since the day I left. It is such a horrible, depressing way to live, with no future. I would rather kill myself."
This pretty much puts an end to the discussion.
This is what's right for me, in my situation.YMMV