Oh, got it!Thanks!
I do not remember kh addresses being printed on these. Fancy. :x
these douche bags left a memorial invitation in my door today, after i have already told them point blank, "do not come to this property ever again," which was months after my trespassing letter.. how dumb can people possibly be?
is there such a thing as an iq below zero?.
so i want to send a 2nd letter with the tract ripped up inside, so i will have a 2nd receipt showing another attempt to get them to leave me alone.. how do i know which hall's territory i am in?
Oh, got it!Thanks!
I do not remember kh addresses being printed on these. Fancy. :x
these douche bags left a memorial invitation in my door today, after i have already told them point blank, "do not come to this property ever again," which was months after my trespassing letter.. how dumb can people possibly be?
is there such a thing as an iq below zero?.
so i want to send a 2nd letter with the tract ripped up inside, so i will have a 2nd receipt showing another attempt to get them to leave me alone.. how do i know which hall's territory i am in?
These douche bags left a memorial invitation in my door today, after I have already told them point blank, "Do not come to this property ever again," which was months after my trespassing letter.
How dumb can people possibly be? Is there such a thing as an IQ below zero?
So I want to send a 2nd letter with the tract ripped up inside, so I will have a 2nd receipt showing another attempt to get them to leave me alone.
How do I know which hall's territory I am in? Is there a way I can confirm it?
it dawned on me the other day that jw publications are fan fiction of the mythical anthology known as the bible.. that is all.. .
It dawned on me the other day that jw publications are fan fiction of the mythical anthology known as the bible.
That is all.
i think trump is an absolute idiot.
his tactics, however, are undeniably effective.
thought i'd just put together a short list of some of the things he does.
Besides all of these things...I would add he uses thought stopping. He knows his fans are those who avoid critical thinking and he gives them exactly what they want--an opportunity to follow personality without any personal responsibility to base beliefs and actions on facts, logic and morals.
i have some tricks to play.
i know it may sound childish but i feel that creating havoc and forcing the memorial to be postponed will be the highlight of the night!
wish me luck!.
It's fun to fantasize. There are also some harmless, legal practical jokes that could be done.
interesting article in the huff post uk today - scientists in australia have been studying the tooth enamel of neanderthals (homo neanderthalensis).. from the article: .
dr laura weyrich, author on the paper, said: “genetic analysis of that dna locked-up in plaque, represents a unique window into neanderthal lifestyle ― revealing new details of what they ate, what their health was like and how the environment impacted their behaviour.” .
... neanderthals who lived in spy cave ate wooly rhinoceros and wild sheep ... those from the el sidron cave ate a largely vegetarian diet of pine nuts, moss, mushrooms and tree bark.. and perhaps the most interesting: one of these vegetarian subjects had a dental abscess on his jawbone, and a diarrhea-causing parasite, and was self medicating with poplar - a plant that contains salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin.. (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/neanderthals-used-aspirin-to-self-medicate_uk_58c13a4fe4b0ed71826a4151?utm_hp_ref=uk; http://www.adelaide.edu.au/news/news91022.html)..
Very cool to learn more about our ancestors!
i want to send a disassociation letter to the elders at my old congregation.
how do i address it and what wording do i use?
i know it's not something i have to do, it's symbolic for me.
they won't pay attention to any of the reasons you put down
I have one that doesn't give an actual reason for leaving, because the reason doesn't matter to anybody but you. No need to tell them why.Doesn't matter.
This letter just says I didn't meet the baptismal criteria so the baptism isn't valid.
This is done for legal reasons. It protects you in case you are harassed, defamed or visited afterwards: baptism nullification letter
knocked on a door on a saturday morning.
a window opened on the floor above me.
a grizzled old man stuck his head out and said, " we're all heathens here!
A guy said he was possessed by demons and acted like he was actively hearing voices.
Everything else was an invitation to "overcome objections".
i am a newbie, and yes current jw.
i have been dealing with a lot confusion for months now.
i guess it started last year when i found myself losing my zeal, desire for spiritual things.
You really don't need to go further than to look at the Society's own words.
You can look up these publications yourself to confirm the information is true.
Quotes from the Society's publications
Scans of Golden Age and other publications
Be sure to keep in mind the Society claims to be Jehovah's only channel since ancient times. The new light doctrine is used to excuse previous inaccuracies, but to what extent would Jehovah's only true representative on Earth be so wrong?
Wouldn't they know that germs are real, for example? Why would Jehovah specifically guide His Organization to believe they are not real?
This will all blow your mind. Keep thinking, keep fact checking, keep going as far as you can stand. You will need to take a break now and again to wrap your head around all of the shocking things you will find out.
You will go through a grief process as though a good friend died--shock, denial, bargaining, depression, anger and acceptance. These are normal feelings. Give yourself permission to feel them. Just try to not get stuck on any one phase too long so you can get to acceptance. :)
new letter today (please visit avoidjw.org for a copy of the official letter and yes, i also noticed they got the date wrong!).
february 28, 2017. to all bodies of elders.
re: visiting disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals.
This sounds like great news to me.
But check out the backwards logic: We found a strategy that is effective; hence, we're going to stop that strategy now.