Here in Canada we have Justin Trudeau who's government is backing moves to make criticism of Islam a crime.
So I looked that up, and what the actual f....!! I officially don't like him anymore.
One useful feature of Christianity is the ability to stop Islam. Atheists must consider this. The threat of Islam is real.
That is like replacing vanilla ice cream with chocolate ice cream and claiming we are now free of milk allergies. How about we work towards eliminating the actual problem (religion) instead of replacing it with a different flavor? Atheists do recognize that the threat of vanilla and chocolate are real.
How would you like it if random strangers hated YOU just because your former religion condones shunning and letting babies die by refusing them blood? Would YOU like to be blamed for all the damage JWs cause?
That random stranger is dead right, and we are all to blame for our own voluntary actions and for supporting bad acts voluntarily.