I'm alarmed that Islam, the religion with its anti-equality and pro-violence teachings most talked about in the world right now, is growing fast.
This seems to be further evidence the human race's ignorance is going to continue.
this is bad news for the evolution of humankind.
even worse, islam is the fastest growing religion.
http://www.livescience.com/50370-worlds-religious-population-will-grow.html?cmpid=nl_ls_weekly_2015-04-03 .
I'm alarmed that Islam, the religion with its anti-equality and pro-violence teachings most talked about in the world right now, is growing fast.
This seems to be further evidence the human race's ignorance is going to continue.
ok, so if you haven't as yet watched the new cartoon clip on the website, be prepared to throw up!.
it is called "jehovah loves all sorts of people", and features an awful song about how "jehovah loves everyone" even "different colors", etc....yep...they actually say that!.
Even "different colors"
omg. omg.
Which ones are considered different? Let me guess.
i attended my brother and sister in laws' baptism at a kingdom hall a number of years ago.
i was [am] not a jw so when i arrived i was bombarded with attention from the flock to which i politely stated that i was there to see my brother and his wife.
it seemed like the distraction was intentional.
we all know the wts abandons and invents beliefs faster than apple can churn out new shiny stuff.
but have they ever abandoned a belief and later picked it up again?.
i remember many years ago we had one of those post-district-assembly review parts (part of the service meeting) where they were discussing some "new light".. there was some confusion about which was the "new" and which was the "old" and a semi-discussion ensued with people commenting.
Unbaptized people are not ritually shunned.*
Unbaptized people are ritually shunned.
Unbaptized people are not ritually shunned.
*"Ritually shunned" means, in this context, having a judicial committee, announcing a change in status from the platform, 'not even eating or saying a greeting'.
i'm not so much into gay issues as i am into right wing fundamentalist issues but what they say about gays is irksome and at times dangerous.
when trawling the internet for their statements i find that 80% of what they have to say is about gays, more so than abortion or even obama.
i could shrug it off as pathetic ignorance unworthy of a rebuttal if it weren't for the occasional psychos like the one below.. rarely do they explicitly state these opinions but in this video they show their true colors.. this harlem pastor is calling on 'christians' to die and kill for the sake of their beliefs.
I've listed to the 'kill' bit 3x and it sounds to me like he's saying we need to kill Obama.
re what fulltimestudent said--ITA. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
i'm not so much into gay issues as i am into right wing fundamentalist issues but what they say about gays is irksome and at times dangerous.
when trawling the internet for their statements i find that 80% of what they have to say is about gays, more so than abortion or even obama.
i could shrug it off as pathetic ignorance unworthy of a rebuttal if it weren't for the occasional psychos like the one below.. rarely do they explicitly state these opinions but in this video they show their true colors.. this harlem pastor is calling on 'christians' to die and kill for the sake of their beliefs.
It sounds like he has threatened the President, so he will be getting a visit by the Secret Service.
He's not wrong about the bible. This is what it teaches. It's an ugly, hateful book.
"there are only three reasons you should miss a meeting.
fever, fracture or funeral.
everything else is a sorry excuse.
Fecal incontinence
First degree burns
Food poisoning
i am trying to wrap my head around 2014 and all the evil we experienced while the elders and overseer said "wait on jehovah because that's what all the true believers do!
" and i explained it's too painful to see the wicked people who brought my family suffering giving talks and providing other witness families with instruction we are to use when the end comes.
why are the quite members those who get treated like trash while members who call down evil upon the organization get everything they want so they will keep their mouths shut?.
I'm having a hard time coming up with an example of anti-xian behavior by jws. The bible is one of the most hateful, petty, violent books I've ever read, and I'm not just talking about the OT.
Are they wrong about their claims that they're loving? Absolutely.
The root of the problem is their holy book.
why didn't jesus ever write anything?
why are there no letters to jesus?
no painting of jesus from that time?
Saints are an example of what I believe Jesus is--a composite of several individuals, highly embellished and revised by oral history.
There were probably a few people who inspired the legend of Jesus. Not even those telling the legend claim to have personally met him--it's always, "I know a person who knew a person who met him," like in most urban legends. That right there tells you it's not a holy book with special knowledge.
i don't know where to start.
i got married a year and half ago.
some months into the marriage things where discovered.
You are right, you can't compete with a liar.
If it's The Truth, then by its own name it will be filled with truthiness, and truth will prevail, both in individuals' lives and in the big scheme of things. If it's The Truth, everything about it must be true. Nothing can be false.