If an anointed person gets disfellowshipped, does he lose his Get Off of Earth Free card?
Posts by rebel8
Another annointed disfelowshipped for showing love
by poopie inok this is story1.annointed bro moves into a house and rents room from a lady.
2.he is currently serving as elder.3.there happens to be a disfellowsipped brother also living in house.4.
the annointed elder decides to help him to return to jehovah.5 the other elders find out and decide to remove him as elder because he is living and helping a df person and the annointed bro cannot move out because he does not have enough money.
How did you feel when "your book" was discontinued?
by OverlappingGeneralizations ini didn't know where to posts this, i hope "friends" is ok-.
how did you feel when the book you studied in was deemed "discontinued"?
for instance, when i was studying, i studied the knowledge book.
When I was in school, I had textbooks that said "Negroes". Then it was changed to "colored", then "black". We had a session in the beginning of the school year when we had to sit there and cross out the old words and write in the new ones. There was some speech about how the old word is not nice and won't be allowed.
It seemed odd to have a word that was A-ok 3 months prior to suddenly be a bad word, but at least there was transparency.
In some respects, the avg dub is childlike in his unquestioning acceptance of what Mother Borg tells him. Yet he gets little closure or acknowledgement. He is usually left to figure out what changed so as not to make a misstep.
Go on welfare!
by life is to short ini am going to make this short.
i ran into a older jw women who i have known my whole life.
she is pushing 80 and will never change.
She was one credit away for getting her degree when there was an assembly and she realized that Jehovah did not want her to go for higher education and that she should pioneer instead. The strange thing is Jehovah revealed this right when the system cut her off.
Jehovah needs to get a Day Planner to keep better track of these things. LOL
And they finished at nine at night.
omg can you imagine 7 days and evenings? wth did they fill all those hours with?
Sister attendants not able to give directions to a brother..Misogyny
by Theburstbubble inat our recent rc i was advised by a sister who was an attendant that they have been advised not to be able to give brothers directions as this should be dealt with by the brothers.
apparently at the pre-convention attendants meeting, the sisters were asked to stay behind.
this was when they were given the news that the brothers should deal with brothers.
What do you mean by giving directions? Like, "Sister, please tell me where the restroom is"?
This is an odd turn of events. We finally have men asking for directions and now we can't answer. ;) j/k
NY44MM is right though. We don't have a built-in pointer. Thankfully, there's an app for that.
Seriously though, _Morpheus, IIRC, the restriction only applied to directing, as in giving instructions or guidance to.
Go on welfare!
by life is to short ini am going to make this short.
i ran into a older jw women who i have known my whole life.
she is pushing 80 and will never change.
I know of several JWs who draw SS Disability, but they are well enough to pioneer and work on QuickBuilds etc
Don’t Ignore Fraud. Speak Up.
Do you suspect someone of committing fraud against Social Security? The SSA OIG Fraud Hotline takes reports of alleged fraud, waste, and abuse.
Reporting is easy, safe, and secure. You can reach us online, or by phone, mail, or fax.
U.S. Mail: Social Security Fraud Hotline
P.O. Box 17785
Baltimore, Maryland 21235FAX: 410-597-0118
Telephone: 1-800-269-0271 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
TTY: 1-866-501-2101 for the deaf or hard of hearing.
Note: If you cannot reach a representative on the Fraud Hotline between 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, you can report Social Security program fraud directly to any Social Security office, including representatives at the SSA’s toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. SSA employees will take your information and send it directly to our office.
If you're sitting on the floor, sit as close to the front row as you can. If in the bleachers, go to the top. This is for maximum impact.Eat gas-inducing food and fart really loud. Laugh every time. The laughter will become contagious and disruptive to the program. First the kids will giggle because they can't resist a good poo joke. Then it will be the teenagers, then everyone will just start laughing.
If you can't produce a fart at least 4x per hour naturally, I'd suggest getting some apparatus from a practical joke store to simulate them.
Do this for a few hours, then start faking cramps. Squirm around in your seat, holding your belly and groaning. Get louder and louder.
This should all climax by you jumping up and running out of there really fast, groaning, "oh noooooooo". Keep running past the bathroom and straight to your car.
This should be 100% effective.
Jehovah's Witness Claims Surgeon Refused to Operate
by OrphanCrow injehovah's witnesses are unreasonable in the way they expect the larger community to respond to their no blood policy.
the medical community is too often held hostage by their insistence on adhering to tan erroneous interpretation of an old book.. jehovah's witness claims surgeon refused to operate.
(*full article at link).
Interesting approach, albeit a lame one. The contention appears to be that, as a government employee, the physician had an obligation to support his practice of religion.
Outside a government setting, this strategy would seem irrelevant; healthcare providers are not obligated to treat anyone unless it's an EMTALA issue (which this clearly was not).
He's a vet and then became a jw...or something. So accepting the veterans' benefits is not against his conscience, I guess.
Petition for U.S. AG investigation.
by freemindfade innot sure if anything will come of this.
but i signed it.. https://www.change.org/p/united-states-attorney-general-investigate-the-watchtower-society-of-jehovah-s-witnesses-re-child-sexual-abuse?recruiter=363165656&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink.
Will this be sent to the AG with some sort of evidence? -
Are There Good People Out There?
by LaurenM ineven though i'm no longer mentally a jw (i still technically am) i do recognize that there are some benefits to being raised one.
for example, the first (and only so far) wordly guy i was involved with had to smoke weed every day and got drunk all the time and that was his idea of fun.
i couldn't help but feel bad for him.
Yes, love, peace and long-suffering are beautiful qualities to have. I have yet to find all of that 100% in a single human being, including myself. I think you will find it to varying degrees in different people.
I've found those qualities less in jws than in non-jws. jws are some of the worst people morally and personality-wise that I've ever met.