They have hidden scandals in their history, just like wts. For example, the women used to be allowed to have >1 husband. This is not widely known among Mormons. It is on ancestry dot com. You can show them those things and it will be a shock to them.
Posts by rebel8
Just recovering from a 'Mormon Mind Melt' ...
by LoveUniHateExams ini was in town centre about an hour ago to buy a shirt and tie for an upcoming job interview when i was stopped by a youngish, clean cut american young man (20-ish) in a cheap suit.
my heart sank as i thought it was local jws.
to my slight relief, it was mormons!
Mass disassociation pact...
by freemindfade inany takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
While it may be cathartic and funny to sign DA letters with other people's names, it could be dangerous. People have committed suicide because they were shunned. It destroys some people's lives.
You will also fulfill their persecution fantasies, pushing them back to Mommie Borg for safety.
No good can come of that except the jokester getting a few moments of fun. It's not right.
Mass disassociation pact...
by freemindfade inany takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
We could all get anonymous Twitter accounts and make profile pics with Guy Fawkes masks.
If we could all post using the same Tweet and the same hashtags within the same single hour worldwide, would that cause it to trend?
If we all said a single thing, in unison, it seems like it would be powerful. It would show how many of us there are--so many more than the current membership!
The Guy Hawkes mask is already associated with cults and protesting while protecting one's identity, so it seems fitting.
This could happen simultaneously with people DAing themselves (those that choose to--there are many of us who won't).
I support the thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses quitting tonight. #notmentallydiseased
I stand with the thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses quitting tonight. #don'tdrinkthekoolaid
OMG JW Sea Org
by sherrie11 ini found this picture and i just can't believe it?
Not the point of the thread, but I wonder what's going on with that unscripturalTM sistaTM who is wearing a pants and the scarf (not tie)?
I was almost compelled to return to the org until I was stumbled by that extra cloth between her legs.
Question: What would it take to get the BORG'S tax exempt status REVOKED?
by Black Man ini've always wondered about this.
i've always felt the main reason the borg made publishers do time slips/field service reports was to show that they are doing a community service to justify their tax exempt status.
we all know about their money grabs with the kh build scams, their selling off millions of dollars in real estate, etc.
This is one of those topics that keeps getting rehashed in this forum.
The requirement to do charitable works is a complete myth.
IRS tax codes are available online. You can read what organizations must do to obtain and retain tax exempt status, but you can't have it revoked for one organization unless that organization did something to break that code (like demonstrating it was no longer eligible).
RE: Appropriate attire for graduation ceremony
by Lied2NoMore inwill the branch send out a letter to address appropriate attire for the worldwide graduation from .
"the school that no one ever graduates from"?.
i have been thinking of the endless ways this new direction for the tms termination screams for criticism.. i am sure a quick publication search will reveal several references gushing at how great of an invention the tms was, how it has benefitted jw's, you know, gush, gush, greatest thing since sliced bread, blah, blah, blah.... i'm not interesting in looking at the moment, but wasn't knorr credited with its invention and rollout?.
Well I'll be damned.
Many are not full-on culty because of fear of public speaking and field service. If they remove those 2 things, they'll corral a lot more people in.
I prefer my dangerous cults to be weird on the outside. It's a good warning mechanism.
All this external normalization is good for recruitment.
What's the craziest thing someone INFORMED on you about?
by Londo111 inthe culture of jws as encouraged by the watchtower is one of informing on one another, reporting to either the elders or ones designated head.
whats the wackiest thing that someone reported on you?
im not talking about a black-and-white watchtower rule that would land you in a judicial committee, but some judgmental nonsense that someone thought they should turn you in about?.
Wearing a pale red, knee-length pencil skirt with black businessy pumps and black pantyhose. I was told this made me look like a harlot and a bro complained. IIRC, Jezebel was mentioned to me in the back room. @ this point I was aware the elders were not inspired of a true god.
RE: Appropriate attire for graduation ceremony
by Lied2NoMore inwill the branch send out a letter to address appropriate attire for the worldwide graduation from .
"the school that no one ever graduates from"?.
i have been thinking of the endless ways this new direction for the tms termination screams for criticism.. i am sure a quick publication search will reveal several references gushing at how great of an invention the tms was, how it has benefitted jw's, you know, gush, gush, greatest thing since sliced bread, blah, blah, blah.... i'm not interesting in looking at the moment, but wasn't knorr credited with its invention and rollout?.
I think I missed a memo. Is this true--they are getting rid of the school? -
help me to readjust my thinking about my hypocritical ex....
by losingit ini am really struggling with this particular situation in my life, and i really need your help to readjust my thinking.
i am recently divorced from my ex-jw husband.
we were both disfellowshipped at around the same time about 2-3years ago.
since our separation the man has made it a mission to do EVERYTHING i wanted to do with him while married.
Maybe he learned from his mistake. It is a big blow to lose a significant other, and often we try to fix our mistakes so our next relationship is successful.
Need Help with Blood Transfusion Illustration
by Dissonant15 inplease, who can provide an intelligent rebuttal to the following illustration?
i always thought it was bullet-proof:.
"if your doctor directs you to 'abstain from alcohol' would you be ok to have it injected into your veins rather than drink it?
wts used to prohibit use of hemophilia factor . Then they later allowed a single dose in a lifetime and stated anything more than 1 dose would be considered "feeding on blood".
Seems like they are trying to redefine the medical use of blood as food because the bible actually prohibits eating blood.
So...can't prove the bible prohibits non-food use of blood? Simply redefine medical use as food. Now it's all against the rules again, nice and tidy.