Happening upon a stranger who just slit his wrists...would you call an ambulance? Yes I would, because I have no context by which to assess his ability to make that decision himself, it is not possible for me to think it through and decide ahead of time, and the situation is emergent so I'd have to rely on professionals. Also, why is the stranger in view of someone who could rescue him, if he doesn't want to be rescued?
Feeding someone poison is definitely not comparable to not interfering with an adult with free will adhering to a decision made over the course of decades.
Back to the scenario I mentioned in an earlier post, who's to say by not interfering, I am not saving somebody else's life? These are the same folks who physically abused me, brainwashed me, and allowed me to develop life-threatening hypovolemia. They are out recruiting new victims to this day, specializing on vulnerable people. If we were talking about people who were not evil and were not attempting to recruit more victims into the evil cult, then my course of action may be different. But they are the equivalent of Borg drones. Yes, including the elderly and infirm ones.