And BTW with this post, after a year and a half at JWD, I am no longer a newbie!!!! hoo... hoo...
JoinedPosts by Stromboli
How many people have you SAVED from the JWs?
by kid-A inok, maybe the word "saved" is inappropriate.... in my case, i would have to count three.
two of my best friends from when i was growing up who initially resisted my questions and apostate leanings but are now free of the borg and have confided it was our conversations that led to their de-programming.
and, my sister, through pretty much the same circumstances.
How many people have you SAVED from the JWs?
by kid-A inok, maybe the word "saved" is inappropriate.... in my case, i would have to count three.
two of my best friends from when i was growing up who initially resisted my questions and apostate leanings but are now free of the borg and have confided it was our conversations that led to their de-programming.
and, my sister, through pretty much the same circumstances.
1 out of 2 available to me...
I'm working on the other
OFFICIAL WORLD CUP THREAD! "here we go, here we go, here we go"!
by nicolaou inless than 2 hours before it all starts and a quarter of the earth's population will be watching!
- c'mon you americans, get on board.
germany kick-off against costa rica at 5pm to be followed by poland v ecuador at 8pm (bst)
EXJW4EVR,I think you're exagerating a bit the cospiracy theory....
I am Italian but I can honestly tell you that team that every single year does stupid things like spitting and elboing people like DeRossi (last night) and Totti (last year) did, deserve to be out of the game.
But if you watch closely you'll see that the tackle was hard (maybe yellow was enough) and Italy was stopped at list 5 times for off-sides that did not exist.
The referee was shit all right... but I believe It was incopetent both ways.
As for Italy I don't know if you are aware of the scandal of corruption that has recently come out, and is so bad that for that alone they don't deserve to get thorough the fist round.....
My second home is England so I support them too!
by anewme ini just heard a brief report that the vatican has okd the use of condoms to prevent the spread of the hiv virus.
this is good news and a relief to many.
in light of the growing aids epidemic world wide this allowance is very compassionate on the part of the church.
How are you my friend? :-)
We find each other again regarding RCC
I could'n agree more with what you said. word by word
Take care
by badboy indid something say something like that po who said`cats represent the beast' so you shouldn't stroke them'
I think the funniest of them all is that one that they say quite often....
Jesus came invisibly in 1914
"Urgent Information to all current and ex-Jehovah Witnesses!" email???
by pr_capone ini just recieved this in my email. (copy and paste please as firefox wont let me) .
wtf... a virus targeted specifically at us?
I first read of them at the end of 2001 on the Guardian UK and I can tell you they are nuts.
They made about 100 predictions, that of course failed, and held international meetings advertising on the Inependent or Guardian where 5 attended.
Funny though....
Something I want to tell you apostates part II
by LeftBehind into those that remember me i came here to tell you something.what i want to tell you is that you guys were right.
i have been researching the wt since i briefly posted on this board and i have come to the conclusion that the wt is nothing but a man made organization.
i have been researching the wt non stop since december.
In part one you wrote that we would not convince you that JWs don't have the truth....
Well you were right , you convinced yourself of that!!!
keep that in mind when you talk to others, nobody accepts the real truth untill they are ready, don't force it or you'll lose 'em.....just give them the instruments to research as you did.... That is what was (is many times over) good about Quotes web site....
I expirienced exaclty the same thing as you.....Good on ya and welcome to the light!
Take care
Wow that UN scandal really DOES work wonders
by osmosis ini'm totally amazed.
i gave that un report to my (hardcore jw to the extreme max, but in a nice way) aunt, and she didn't speak of it for several days.
when she said nothing, i knew i'd gotten somewhere.. today she finally spoke up.
Why can the WT be part of the bla-bla-bla Beast and you and I can't take up a stupid membership of say a union to help defend your rights as a worker instead of paying big money for a lawyer?
Not to mention Malawi.......
The fact that something like that was taken lightly just goes to show how no God is behind the WT, and the giudes have no more holy spirit than you and I have. Maybe a bigger ego......
They make sure to write lots of little rules for you, making every single decision a drama for your concience, but they seem to be careless for their own conduct.
That alone, assuming that no alter motive was involved, should ring a bell to you.
Ultimately you can spin anything and believe what you like. I personally have justified the WT for years always finding very good reasons for their unreal behaviour.
This people that carelessly dealt with the "Beast" and made a lot of bad predictions are the same people that nontheless are absolutely sure you or child should die before taking blood.
Please doubt them......
Recently my cusin (20 years in) told me "how could I not see that?".
You won't see the wrong untill you are ready for it....... then it'll look so clear......
Good luck
you wont believe it if I tell you now
by moa ini am who i am that is my name, born among you as the son of mankind, my name i know it now for sure is jehovah
I have a statuette of Baby Jesus in my possession.If you don't get me the bicycle I asked you, I'll kill him.....
Has Jehovah already won..are we just waiting to see how?
by DavidChristopher in.
does anyone have thoughts on this?
When I was im my 20s I started tinking about this question and came up with an idea, but then I abbandoned it as WT didn't like it. :-)
I'm actually going back to it now....
God has not won yet. Satan was proven a liar with Jesus, but humans have not proven that they cannot govern them selves.
Yes we die and make wars etc but we're are still here and managing. To prove their incapacity to rule humans have to auto-destroy the human race. God will pull the plug just before that happens.
The idea sprung from another question:
How do you conclusevely prove that humans cannot govern them selves?
As long as the specie goes on you can criticise it but can't say we can't make it.
I don't know if it make any sense but if it does, we are paving our way to self distruction. and all the religions we have created are our milestones.... :-)