November 1976 KM Question Box
Is it proper that the body of elders arrange for musical accompaniment for congregational singing other than using the Society’s recordings?This is a matter for decision by the body of elders. Accompaniment for singing does help the congregation to sing well. Some congregations may not have record players to use in playing the Society’s recordings. Where qualified persons with musical talent are available, many congregations prefer to have piano or other instrumental accompaniment. It would not be good to try to use someone who does not really know how to play an instrument well.
When recordings are used, care should be used to replace worn-out or damaged records, thus maintaining the high standard of the meetings that should be found in the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Notice that it is a matter for the BOE. If they have any backbone they will tell off the CO. 99.9% of elders now will just follow what the CO says. They don't want to be known for causing problems.
At a previous congregation we had piano players and everyone enjoyed it and sang loudly. Canned music just lulls everyone into a sleep stupor.