No it doesn't. As long as he paid your father the correct amount for your virginity, you're good to go.
Oh I see, better tell my father, dont think he realises hes owed money!!
1corinthians 6:9 men who lie with men will not inherit gods kingdom.
so i guess its ok for women to lie with women cause we're not mentioned in there!
No it doesn't. As long as he paid your father the correct amount for your virginity, you're good to go.
Oh I see, better tell my father, dont think he realises hes owed money!!
hey yall just wanted to say hi.
today is my 1st day here.
i hope this is a good site for jehovahs people.
so is that the face of sarcasm at the end of your last post then ???
1corinthians 6:9 men who lie with men will not inherit gods kingdom.
so i guess its ok for women to lie with women cause we're not mentioned in there!
Hey mOnk3y i wasnt gay bashing honestly. i just believe the bible thats all. im not married and live with my partner - i think im wrong doing that - bec the bible says so.
Little toe are you trying to get promotion with all those dittos.
yeah ive seen braveheart - thought it was all in the past!
hey yall just wanted to say hi.
today is my 1st day here.
i hope this is a good site for jehovahs people.
Hello defd - welcome - hope you find what you are looking for on this forum, whatever it is.
quite an introduction - so are you teasing, or are you a jw here to save our skins...............?
I was born in Scotland, but still support England. What is this the Scots have against the English ????????
for those of you who "came into the truth", how did it happen?.
were you seeking to find god, troubled with your own religion or suicidal?
did you pray that someone would teach you the truth about god and his purpose for mankind?.
Im not a jw and never have been. i studied bec i was looking for the truth. i still am........
1corinthians 6:9 men who lie with men will not inherit gods kingdom.
so i guess its ok for women to lie with women cause we're not mentioned in there!
This thread is so funny
My view on homosexuality is that it is wrong bec the bible says so. However, the bible says lots of things are wrong that people choose to do. Its up to an individual to make that choice. People have sex outside marriage. Is that a worse sin than homosexuality - i think not.
My ex husband is gay and lives with his partner. he said he always knew deep down he was gay. he saw a phyciatrist when he was five, who said he was effiminate. i went to school with him - he really was. he also has a gay brother, who said he knew from childhood he was gay, and one brother who isnt gay.
i have a friend who is a 'celibate' lesbian. she said she knew from childhood and she has never been attracted to men. she is a born again christian, and for the sake of her faith, leads a celibate life. she did go to a gay church for a short time - but decided they were just twisting scripture.
...well except for the appendix.
i felt i didn't need to!
this book is unbelievable!!!!!!!!!
thank you zev