and exercise is bad for you too!!!! Some professor has written a book, with his daughter i believe, who says that moderate gentle exercise is fine, but being super fit is deterimental to health. they reckon that we only have a certain amount of life energy, and if we go mad exercising we use it up to quick.
oh thats good news, im gonna live till 150. just gonna grab my breakfast and go back to bed - dont want work myself into an early grave
on the issue of blood, i have never taken it and never would, neither would i have an organ transplant. ive seen someone die from contaminated blood. ok so now its screened. but whats in there that might not show up for a few months. suppose some new disease arises, but cant be detected for say 1 year, while it mutates. i wouldnt take any risks. and ive also seen the bad results of organ transplants. leave well alone as far as im concerned. when my time is up, its up.