Welcome eye23.
I am fairly new here too, but this site is as important to me now as my morning latte.
(Now up to Chapter 7 in CoC)
i have been so sadend by finding this site and wanted you all to know that the organization is indeed a loving one with only your best interests at heart...but i'm sure, if you look deep within your hearts you already know this to be true...dont you?.
if you search your inamost thoughts and feelings and put away your debeauched/immoral life style ( because if you are truly honest with yourselves, guilt is the reason you needed to distance yourselves from righteousness) and come back to the truth you will see that only kind, loving and overwhelming compassion has always been at the forefront of the wtbts and that although you may feel contentment in a (deluded sort of way) you would have a real happiness within the true christian organization...as your former bible trained concience must know... all others that profess to be 'christian' are satanicly influenced even though they may appear to do good/kind things....how else would the last days of satans system be?.
so i urge all the 'lost sheep' to 'find the love you had at first' and return to the loving compasionate embrace of the organization....you know this makes sense!!!!
Welcome eye23.
I am fairly new here too, but this site is as important to me now as my morning latte.
(Now up to Chapter 7 in CoC)
i searched the board but didn't see much about it.. do you think there are any elders currently serving that are only serving, or only strove to be an elder so they could get damaging and damning info in order to bring the org down?.
i am seriously thinking it might be a good idea for me since all i have to do is reach out for it and i would be an ms again, and probably an elder within a year or two.
(scary, huh?).
Oh, but in regard to your question, did you see that thread recently about bookstudy conductors? I couldn't believe how many people on this board are currently conducting the bookstudy!
Yes. I am one of those people ... well ... not the Official conductor but I fill in once or twice a month.
Right now I am toeing the line - staying just unreliable enough to not be appointed and just reliable enough to remain respectable in the congregation. Next weekend I am going to a Kingdom Hall Construction project.
My wife and kids are out in service right now. I feel sorry for my kids.
i searched the board but didn't see much about it.. do you think there are any elders currently serving that are only serving, or only strove to be an elder so they could get damaging and damning info in order to bring the org down?.
i am seriously thinking it might be a good idea for me since all i have to do is reach out for it and i would be an ms again, and probably an elder within a year or two.
(scary, huh?).
I searched the board but didn't see much about it.
Do you think there are any elders currently serving that are only serving, or only strove to be an elder so they could get damaging and damning info in order to bring the Org down?
I am seriously thinking it might be a good idea for me since all I have to do is reach out for it and I would be an MS again, and probably an elder within a year or two. (Scary, huh?)
While I would like to it also seems a bit twisted, and I don't really want to waste that much time of MY LIFE on the Org. Know what I mean?
Anyways, I would love to hear some good espionage stories. . .
time to swallow the red pill.. right now both books remain unopened - sealed in the amazon.com box buried in a backpack in the trunk of my car.
i feel like i'm smuggling drugs or something.. i'll be starting coc tomorrow ... .
this is more of a vanity post than anything.
Big Dog said:
ithinkisee, though I left long before I knew anything about those books, or maybe even before they existed, they were still important in once and for all putting any possible lingering doubts or ghosts to rest. To bastardize the Phantom of the Opera, Open up your mind, and let your doubts unwind.
Actually I am the same way. I can confidently say I am 100% convinced already the Org is complete BS. I just feel that the books will "seal the deal" so to speak. I actually cut out of work 90 minutes early today and went to the park and read the first three chapters of CoC. I was happy to see that the book was updated in 2004. He has lots of very current numbers and stats in the book from the last 5 years. That was a nice surprise for me. The information is so fresh. This forum really has helped build my own confidence and self-esteem in that the doubts I have been having for two decades weren't wrong - and Crisis Of Conscience is going to just help make me stronger. Thanks again everyone.
I then brought it to work to read on nightshift.I also used a highliter to highlight some parts I didn't want to forget.
Good idea there. If we can do it with Watchtowers. . . -ithinkisee
http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2005/02/23/ruling_offers_new_basis_for_suits_against_churches/ruling offers new basis for suits against churches.
by michael kunzelman, associated press | february 23, 2005. a superior court judge has ruled that a jehovah's witness church in boston can be sued for breaking its trust and legal duty to a girl who said she was sexually abused by one of the church's ministerial servants.advertisement.
suffolk superior court judge herman smith jr.'s ruling is believed to be the first time a massachusetts court has determined that church officials have a "fiduciary duty" to members of their congregation, a relationship akin to the one lawyers and doctors share with clients and patients.. smith's ruling, made earlier this month, also is expected to open another legal channel for lawyers to bring civil suits against churches for clergy abuse cases, according to lisa bruno, news editor for massachusetts lawyers weekly.. "it gives another piece of ammunition to plaintiffs, another grounds for finding a church liable for the actions of priests and ministers," bruno said.. carmen durso, a boston lawyer who settled 40 lawsuits against the archdiocese of boston in 2003, said he expects smith's ruling to pave the way for more clergy abuse cases to proceed.. "it affords another basis, a stronger basis, for bringing claims against churches in sex abuse cases," durso said.. the girl at the center of smith's ruling was between 9 and 11 when a ministerial servant with the columbus park congregation of jehovah's witnesses allegedly molested her during bible study classes in her home, lawyers weekly reported.. the girl's parents, who learned about the alleged abuse in august 2000, sued the ministerial servant and two boston-area jehovah's witness congregations for negligence as well as breach of fiduciary duty.
Who were the defendant lawyers? Were they WT Lawyers or hired by the local elders themselves?
Is there going to be an appeal on the part of the WT?
time to swallow the red pill.. right now both books remain unopened - sealed in the amazon.com box buried in a backpack in the trunk of my car.
i feel like i'm smuggling drugs or something.. i'll be starting coc tomorrow ... .
this is more of a vanity post than anything.
I had mine delivered to a non-JW business associate's office where I do alot of my contracting work.
The weird thing for me is that while I was at Bethel I went to the same Kingdom Hall as Franz, Gangas, Schroeder, Barr, etc. (GB Members for those of you not familiar).
Schroeder used to give Instruction Talks on Thursday nights just like everybody else. I held many of them in high esteem at the time - even up until a few months ago when my "researching" hit fever pitch.
It's gonna be weird reading about these guys that I was sorta acquainted with. Of course, I was only 7 years old in 1980, but. . .still. . .
(by the way, I am typing this at a coffee shop, and a Field Service group just came in and said hello. . . oye!. . . . .I almost couldn't minimize this screen fast enough!)
time to swallow the red pill.. right now both books remain unopened - sealed in the amazon.com box buried in a backpack in the trunk of my car.
i feel like i'm smuggling drugs or something.. i'll be starting coc tomorrow ... .
this is more of a vanity post than anything.
Time to swallow the red pill.
Right now both books remain unopened - sealed in the Amazon.com box buried in a backpack in the trunk of my car. I feel like I'm smuggling drugs or something.
I'll be starting CoC tomorrow ...
This is more of a vanity post than anything. It's gonna be an important weekend for me.
is there an actual psychological term or whatever for this kind of jw tactic?.
the tactic is where they head the opposing arguments off at the pass, like when a new person studies and they get to the point where they want to make a stand for "the truth".
the person studying with them will tell them to "expect opposition from your family, this is satan trying to get at you because now you have found the truth and he's mad.".
I like conditioned response. Simple enough but very descriptive.
Thank you.
is there an actual psychological term or whatever for this kind of jw tactic?.
the tactic is where they head the opposing arguments off at the pass, like when a new person studies and they get to the point where they want to make a stand for "the truth".
the person studying with them will tell them to "expect opposition from your family, this is satan trying to get at you because now you have found the truth and he's mad.".
Is there an actual psychological term or whatever for this kind of JW tactic?
The tactic is where they head the opposing arguments off at the pass, like when a new person studies and they get to the point where they want to make a stand for "the truth". The person studying with them will tell them to "expect opposition from your family, this is Satan trying to get at you because now you have found the truth and he's mad."
Then when your relatives actually do that the student's so-called "faith" is bolstered, because it was just as the "Org" predicted - voila!
Is there a term for this - other than "snowjob" or b*llsh*t.
Is there a technical term I can look up at the library?
Thanks in advance. . .
so here comes patdp very soon.
it's not as bad as ipalfatn i & ii, but still its based on the idea of 607 and 1914.. how have any of you ex or current book study overseers handled this problem.
i'd like not to conduct but thats not really an option.
Amen to that IP_SEC.