A lot of companies send their sales people to these motivational seminars just so that sales will go up. When sales are up than so is gross income. Of course companies will want their sales people to be out there selling as much as possible. I know an XJW who is in sales and he really "kicks butt" out there. Salespeople on commission can earn top $$$$.
I think what the WT has done is borrow techniques from sales. That's all. When I went to college, I had to take a course called "business communications". It was part of the business cirriculum for my business degree. I had to laugh when I saw the syllabus for the class. All the speeches we were to make were the same type of stuff we did in the Theocratic Ministry School. You know, persuasive speeches, how to overcome objections, etc...
So basically, the WT is just "big business" out there mascarading as a religion. Same with the Scientologists. L. Ron Hubbard once said, "The best way to become a millionaire is to start your own religion".