Are you still part of the Org/Borg or have you sought true freedom????
i.e. other than divorce. I truly hope you have drawn closer to God via the scriptures rather closer to God (satan) via the WTBTS.
JoinedPosts by buffalosrfree
Discovery leads to change.
by AIRVIEW1 ini remember the all the gravel roads in mississippi where i grew up then someone dicovered asphalt and things changed.i remember my mississippi back woods country jw grandmother saying, "they will never.
make it to the moon, if jehovah would have wanted man on the moon he would have put him there....they will never make it!".
i also remember my grandmother speaking so negativley about the "high and mighty" government" but 1975 was coming!
QUESTION: What religion are you in now? ...
by terafera inthis got me to thinking.... now that most of us have left the wts, i notice some have taken other belief systems.
some have come to a peace with their own ideas.. my question is are you involved with another religion?
has it brought you more peace or happiness?
ThiChi, hello I too have spent many an hour in that web. Mark Miller and others have contributed a large part of thier everyday life to bring out thins in the bible. I enjoy it very much and its good to see that some one else does too. Buff
A new Use fo the Wt and Awake....
by lydia inyes - i have found a new way to use them.. .
i let the kids tear them up, dump the peices into a blender - add water - and presto pulp - that we then screen and make scrap paper out of!!
- the dyes they use are great - and the colors you can get are fabulous - .
Lydia, We must have been on the same wavelength. Last night I was cutting out letters from several Watchtowers and Awake magazines, When neighbor knocked on door wanted to know If I had any papers she could borrow for her puppies. ***Duuuuhhhh of course what a great way to use the Watchtower magazines. I gave her several for use of the puppy. Just think,
They will clean up the pups life and thiers, catch all the manure and piss the puppies have to offer.
They will upbuild the pups relationship with thier owner.
They will be used to make sweeping changes to somones (the pups) world.
They will be used to instill discipline in the pups (piss only on the Watchtower and Awakes).
Truly the words of the Governing Body and the writing department will once add to the life of those who received them. Buff
Global Stop on all Kingdom Hall Building Work!
by Ivor Hope ini have heard today from 2 different sources that the wts has announced a global stop on all building work.
kingdom halls already being built are having the work on them stopped.. has anybody else heard this?
if it is true, what could be the reason.
No more KHs to be built. That must signify the end is near or some such BS. I,m sure the society will put some such Clintonesque spin to it. Buff
Photographer arrested at Ground Zero
by Patriot inny times photographer arrested at ground zero.
by associated press .
"new york, jan. 12 a photographer from the new york times was arrested at ground zero and charged with criminal trespass, police said.
As for jdubs being at ground zero, I don't give a shit, if there is any truth in all the asbestos being there and hurting people, the more the jdubs go there the better in my book. However, they are a bunch of liars just like fred. He likes to parrot lies, he follows the example of his father, (GB) the father of the lie (the gb and society) for people like fred they are little more than dog manure in fact less so. I just ignore it (him) try not to smell (read anything he vomits) and go on about my business. buff
Bind your Holy Scriptures with Book of Reasoning
by Dave Mosi incheck it out at
mention this post and get 25% off and free return shipping!.
I have one of those, it has come in useful a great deal, its great as a paper weight, and if no toilet paper is handy welllllll thereeee it is all so to provide assistance at the proper time. Are you for real bookbindery for cristsakes get a life.
Where do the gb stay?????
by buffalosrfree ini have always wondered just where the speakers from bethel, and just where do the gb members stay when they are at district assassinations, er well you know and cas.
do they stay in modest motels hotels or do their setttings have to be in 5 star hotels?????.
(like in only the very best will do)just a questions i've always had.
I specifically wanted to get some kind of information from those in the San Diego Area to see if they might know where they stay.
The 'small one has become a mighty nation'
by ISP in*** rbi8 isaiah 60:22 ***.
22 the little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation.
i myself, jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time.. indeed the little one has become a thousand!
You forgot to mention number of disfellowshippings. nada, zilch, zero, zip,. Those causing a problem in the congregation are Fred the dead, and you know, welll you know!!
Head coverings, prayer and women
by Thirdson inis the wts view on women praying publically still the same as it was in the 70s?
the article "should you cover your head during prayer" watchtower 2/15/77 page 46 and a "question from readers" 6/15/77 are the last references i have to this particular jw custom.. has anything more recent been published?.
If head covering are needed why don't they hand out Paper sacks at the door. It would in some instances be a blessing. Ear plugs too. Buff
How Long A JW ( Baptised )?
by hillary_step ini frequently read on this board that somebody has 'been a jw for over 25 years' and then learn that they are in fact 25 years and three days old.. i am very easily confused, in fact i actually got inside a car of similar color to my own recently and spent at least five minutes with a furrowed brow trying to force my car key into its ignition, fortunately, i realised my error before i was arrested.
so, just to humor me, can you all post how long you were/are baptised jw's?.
thank you -- hs.
6april91 Too long.