Am I answering any of these questions right?
why do they need women up there, when they can't even pass the mike down here...?
why do they need women up there, when they can't even pass the mike down here...?
since i woke up this morning, i have been finding myself humming the song for the memorial tonight.
it is really freaky.
YES!!!! I know what you mean........and that song that starts our Loyal love........
and Move ahead Move ahead to Maturity, Its the will of our God that we gain ability.......
May I suggest you sing them with different foreign accents.......my good friend from downunder says that how he enjoys them.
the season finali (sp?
) of one of the greatest shows ever to hit the tv.
and i don't say that lightly.
I had an old green Ford LTD nicknamed
Battle sCar Galatica.
haven't thought of that car in years.
we did.. we used to call them "memorial saints".
they were the fringe members, the fallen away, the disfellowshipped, those who had their own private pipeline to jehovah, bible studies, good-will, disinterested husbands, delinquent kids, prophets, lunatics and uncle tom cobley and all.. in short, all the weirdo's that could be mustered together on just one night of the year.
but it got the numbers up.
I never felt superior, I felt envious and a little jealous and very confused......
That's how I felt, like they had the balls to stay away and I wished I did. They were still loved from what I could tell. Accepted, well at least this particular night. Its' amazing how much fuss is over someone that rarely comes, someone is always trying to encourage. But when you become a regular like everyone else, you get sick of each other. The banal lives we all lead. New ones and ones that hardly came were mysterious and exciting to me.
i took evelyne a copy of everyones wonderful thoughts... she cried more than once.
so, she saw the specialist just after lunch time.
it looks like, after 3 liters of iv, she has gone from 4.7 to 14!
yall... i just was talking with arrowstar... she is sans job right now... .
she told me that she is eating saltines and ranch dressing.. okay... i _know_ there's a boatload of ex-jws up there in dallas... yall think it might be possible to get her some real food?.
also - if anyone knows of a job opening that she might qualify for... could yall get in touch with her - and let her know?.
Arrowstar,,,,,,,,,,,,I sent you a pm.
hang in there!
had other things to deal with.. .
i was just wonder ing whose going to the memorial this year.. i got this email from my uncle today and i've decided i'm going only so my kids can see their family.
if you love jehovah miss your extended family want your children to have everlasting life its not hypocritical.
I am not going. First time I haven't gone. I will be glad when it is over as I can feel the pressure of it all. It is like the final nail on the coffin with my JW companions, my not showing up tonight.
I was reading the daily text for today put out by the society.
Matt. 24:45 - Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?
On the day of the Memorial, commemorating Jesus death, this is the text for the day.
Just seeing it made me feel rather sick in my stomach. It actually made me feel better about my decision not to go. I will do something quietly and personal to show my love and appreciation for creation and people I care for and for mankind.