The point on the internet service and going to the library. We are losing funding for libraries all the time, some are closing down, so that will end computer access to the poor.
poor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
The point on the internet service and going to the library. We are losing funding for libraries all the time, some are closing down, so that will end computer access to the poor.
poor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
Yeah, and when it asked about paying for the mothers medicine, uggggg, such hard choices to make. and stressfull and Suffocating. @NewChapter
poor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
I did not think about the typing test being rigged. I worked at a factory long time ago...a shirt factory. The settings on the machine had to be just right to perform fast and make quota at the end of the day....those settings had to be adjusted regularly. A certain employee wanted her job back (her house had burned down and had to quit) The only way to get rid of me legally was to mess up the settings on my machine and thus I could not make quota and I was fired.
poor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
Yes, I see many families now, moving in together to make it.
I think what is important about the test is, the decisions that have to be made, like opting out of ins, not going to family members memorial, what kids go through at school when viewed as poor, missing out on anything social. For people that have lost everything, this is what they are going through.
People that would otherwise not ignore things, like getting your car legal, would never do so otherwise. Then the humiliation, stigma, prejudices start.
Millions of people are living like this everyday. Trying desperately to hang on. Remember compassion, tolerance, patience, and be giving when you can.
A smile to someone struggling...a supportive word is encouraging. and it's free.
poor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
Poor people cannot have dogs!!!!!
poor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
I hear ya, mrsjones, I lived for years under that stress with 5 kids.
Now, I am seeing it happening to more and more people I know lately.
Things are not getting better...well, not around here. Seem to be getting worse or we are feeling a delay on what the rest of the nation was already going through.
It's falling like a house of cards.
poor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
Try it Outlaw, see how you make it. Since your a mountain man, you may not survive in the city though!
poor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
This is a reality for more and more people everyday. The stress to make decisions, each one crucial for survival. If you think poor people are not strong, those that are making it can make it through anything.
poor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
I could not even pass the typing test!!!
poor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
Did you even look at the site? :)