JoinedPosts by purplesofa
Both "Mentally Diseased" & Blood Transfusion DF/DA Violate UN Charter
by skeeter1 inthe united nations charter is for all un countries to follow, to its best ability.. the united nations is for the right to change one's religion, without coercion.
it applies to both countries who thwart changing religions directly, but also holds governments responsible if it allow private actors to coerce people from changing one's religion.
coercion is thought of broadly, and goes beyond mere physical force.
I will help and support, I just want my energy used in the most useful direction. Will look to see what Barbara posts tomorrow.
Both "Mentally Diseased" & Blood Transfusion DF/DA Violate UN Charter
by skeeter1 inthe united nations charter is for all un countries to follow, to its best ability.. the united nations is for the right to change one's religion, without coercion.
it applies to both countries who thwart changing religions directly, but also holds governments responsible if it allow private actors to coerce people from changing one's religion.
coercion is thought of broadly, and goes beyond mere physical force.
I am not sure OSCE is the best route, they are fighting for the rights of JW's, will be difficult to get them to change their postition. IMO
Watchtower Hate Speech and Intimidation Might be a Violation of US Federal Law
by DT inthe united states is more lenient than most countries when it comes to hate speech and allowing organised religions to have their way, even when they hurt others.
however, there are limits.
i found a federal law that seems strangely relevant to recent watchtower articles that labels former members as "mentally diseased" and discuss the "slaughter of apostates".
MrFreeze, Westboro came to mind to me instantly. I think these issues are important and will be addressed some day, but I feel like we are far from resolving these things as a nation.
Watchtower Hate Speech and Intimidation Might be a Violation of US Federal Law
by DT inthe united states is more lenient than most countries when it comes to hate speech and allowing organised religions to have their way, even when they hurt others.
however, there are limits.
i found a federal law that seems strangely relevant to recent watchtower articles that labels former members as "mentally diseased" and discuss the "slaughter of apostates".
Are you familiar with this group:
USCIRF is an independent, bipartisan U.S. federal government commission. USCIRF Commissioners re appointed by the President and the leadership of both political parties in the Senate and the House of Representatives. USCIRF's principal responsibilities are to review the facts and circumstances of violations of religious freedom internationally and to make policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State and Congress. Website: www.uscirf.gov
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
800 North Capitol Street, NW
Suite 790
Washington, DC 20002
Tel: 202-523-3240
Fax: 202-523-5020At their site look under Issues>Defamation of Religions....the first issue listed is
UN could move to target criticism of Islam as 'hate speech' - Catholic News Agency -
Both "Mentally Diseased" & Blood Transfusion DF/DA Violate UN Charter
by skeeter1 inthe united nations charter is for all un countries to follow, to its best ability.. the united nations is for the right to change one's religion, without coercion.
it applies to both countries who thwart changing religions directly, but also holds governments responsible if it allow private actors to coerce people from changing one's religion.
coercion is thought of broadly, and goes beyond mere physical force.
Please post link for the event the Society is speaking at in Warsaw @skeeter
Can't find it.
edited to add: The OSCE has done work to protect the rights of JW's.
Are you familiar with this group:
USCIRF is an independent, bipartisan U.S. federal government commission. USCIRF Commissioners re appointed by the President and the leadership of both political parties in the Senate and the House of Representatives. USCIRF's principal responsibilities are to review the facts and circumstances of violations of religious freedom internationally and to make policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State and Congress. Website: www.uscirf.gov
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
800 North Capitol Street, NW
Suite 790
Washington, DC 20002
Tel: 202-523-3240
Fax: 202-523-5020At their site look under Issues>Defamation of Religions....the first issue listed is
UN could move to target criticism of Islam as 'hate speech' - Catholic News Agency -
Both "Mentally Diseased" & Blood Transfusion DF/DA Violate UN Charter
by skeeter1 inthe united nations charter is for all un countries to follow, to its best ability.. the united nations is for the right to change one's religion, without coercion.
it applies to both countries who thwart changing religions directly, but also holds governments responsible if it allow private actors to coerce people from changing one's religion.
coercion is thought of broadly, and goes beyond mere physical force.
Here is their FB site:
Activities related to human rights
OSCE States have committed themselves to ensuring full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; to abide by the rule of law; to promote the principles of democracy by building, strengthening and protecting democratic institutions; and to promote tolerance throughout the OSCE region. The OSCE's work includes election observation, human rights monitoring, democratization, promotion of the rights of national minorities, media development and promotion of free media.Twitter account: @OSCE Vienna, Austria
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe is the world's largest regional security organization.
website: http://www.osce.org/ -
Both "Mentally Diseased" & Blood Transfusion DF/DA Violate UN Charter
by skeeter1 inthe united nations charter is for all un countries to follow, to its best ability.. the united nations is for the right to change one's religion, without coercion.
it applies to both countries who thwart changing religions directly, but also holds governments responsible if it allow private actors to coerce people from changing one's religion.
coercion is thought of broadly, and goes beyond mere physical force.
Both "Mentally Diseased" & Blood Transfusion DF/DA Violate UN Charter
by skeeter1 inthe united nations charter is for all un countries to follow, to its best ability.. the united nations is for the right to change one's religion, without coercion.
it applies to both countries who thwart changing religions directly, but also holds governments responsible if it allow private actors to coerce people from changing one's religion.
coercion is thought of broadly, and goes beyond mere physical force.
It's amazing what has been accomplished using twitter to raise awareness. If enough people get involved, using social media, it does not go ignored.
Both "Mentally Diseased" & Blood Transfusion DF/DA Violate UN Charter
by skeeter1 inthe united nations charter is for all un countries to follow, to its best ability.. the united nations is for the right to change one's religion, without coercion.
it applies to both countries who thwart changing religions directly, but also holds governments responsible if it allow private actors to coerce people from changing one's religion.
coercion is thought of broadly, and goes beyond mere physical force.
But I am not so sure, the WT does not really interfere with one changing their religion, the consequences are not physically life threatening (they don't kill you) you simply leave and are ignored by the WT and it's members, It would be interesting to see if this is really considered a violation at the level of the UN.