Oh ya 10 or 12 hours made up. I get plenty of time in on this board!!!
hey everyone,.
congradulate me for dodging service for 2 whole months!!!
Oh ya 10 or 12 hours made up. I get plenty of time in on this board!!!
its pronounced tij-ka-mo.....its not a real word..its an acronym that my best pal and i came up with that just summed up certain occasions...before he stopped speaking to me(horrible story-tell u later)...anyways can you come up with a suitable phrase using those letters before i tell you what it really stands for....t.i.j.k.m.o
T ension I ncreases J amming K arma M ixing O piates
i just wanted to introduce to you our new dog.
he's a 5 year old sheltie named samba.
we adopted him from a family who had to give him up due to allergies, it broke their heart to part with him as they had put a lot of love and care into him.
My weimeriner Blue.
I don't get it.
one reason is that you don't have to go to boring meetings 5 times per week and field service where you knock on doors knowing no one will answer.
The Hectic pace........always, always being tired to the point I had nothing to give. I was so bogged down with work, meetings, service, study. I lost a life and almost my Health.
hey everyone,.
congradulate me for dodging service for 2 whole months!!!
oh IP_SEC............I just noticed ..........I'm not a newbie anymore. woohoo!! GO ME!!!!
hey everyone,.
congradulate me for dodging service for 2 whole months!!!
Eeep thats right purp, you're dodging meetings and service!! Congrats to you too
Hermit-like behaviour is settling in.......I will be glad when it is over.........and BTW
Congrats IP_SEC
to you and to those that you let sleep in on Saturday AM.
hey everyone,.
congradulate me for dodging service for 2 whole months!!!
I don't see a peephole in that door........How will you know it's him?
hey everyone,.
congradulate me for dodging service for 2 whole months!!!
This am, I am sitting here on the puter.........the house is very quiet and DING DONG!!!!! Panic sets in.......they left.......and left the Feb, March, April KM's in the door.
Service dodger myself. Now I just gotta look like I am not at home for the next how many Saturdays!
i am new to this board, posted only a few times so far.
no i find myslef going to the computer time after time to check this site and i feel like i am getting hooked!
what is the matter with me?
I have worked in this place for the last 11 years without her snooty selfrighteous bullshit.
I cant allow that. All I know is she is in my space and acting like I don't belong there..
What a superior view she has of herself. Even to the point of discounting the time you have put in at your job. Becuase of your status of being disfellowshipped she is above you. I hope she never needs your assistance to get her job done. Maybe then you can treat her as she is treating you.
There is nothing harder to do than work with a Witness, even when you are a practicing witness. It is as if everything you do is under a magnifying glass, blown up and out of porportion. I feel for ya.