i looked up some of your past posts and found one that stated you were dumped as a bible student. Did you ever pick the study back up and were you baptised?
i really like this board.
i hate making this statement bec i dont want you to all start hating me.
but since i came on here i have been researching a lot.
i looked up some of your past posts and found one that stated you were dumped as a bible student. Did you ever pick the study back up and were you baptised?
i really like this board.
i hate making this statement bec i dont want you to all start hating me.
but since i came on here i have been researching a lot.
very good answer. To all who read her post that is NOT the WTBTS reasoning that is the BIBLES reasoning.
i cannot believe all the attention i got yesterday.. i am a forum celebrity now.
i do sign audigraphs.
i respect your opinion however the statement you made about Samson(,remember, he brought his own physical end after being arrogant and self assuming.) you could not be further from the truth.
i really like this board.
i hate making this statement bec i dont want you to all start hating me.
but since i came on here i have been researching a lot.
big dog
thats ok I can give you one that many people take out of context.John10:30 Many religious people use that text to support the trinity doctrine. However when we apply the method you mentioned concerning accurate understanding of the bible such as considering content and contextwe will find that those people miss apply that script.
i really like this board.
i hate making this statement bec i dont want you to all start hating me.
but since i came on here i have been researching a lot.
big dog
give us an example of understand script. in context
i cannot believe all the attention i got yesterday.. i am a forum celebrity now.
i do sign audigraphs.
bryan with all do respect if you want to see it you do the work by scrolling through the post
i cannot believe all the attention i got yesterday.. i am a forum celebrity now.
i do sign audigraphs.
That fine I can handle that. Fair is fair.
i cannot believe all the attention i got yesterday.. i am a forum celebrity now.
i do sign audigraphs.
wander At the same time everyone I talked to violated the rules also.
Was not those things done also? And I am not disagreeing with the Mod decision Im simply replying to YOUR comment !
i cannot believe all the attention i got yesterday.. i am a forum celebrity now.
i do sign audigraphs.
Yes I am a Witness
i went to my first meeting in 9 months (dont ask ive got my reasons cant say on an public board).
they reviewed a wt july 1st page 12----19. it was saying that you should have concern for people who are spiritually weak you should remember all the good things they had done in the past.
even if they wernt going to meetings anymore.
Beleive me bro, i HAVE been there. I know EXACTLY how you feel. And you have the right idea. Build your relationship up with Jehovah. Taking your heart felt concerns to him will do wonders. Keep in mind however that the REAL purpose for the meetings are not what many people make them to be but are for Giving God glory and according to Hewbrews 10:24 Let US consider one another to love and fine works.................Vittvim notice it says US. even though many dont follow that admonition you are included in that also. have you ever thought that iYOU can INCITE others at the meeting? You personally could have an affect on others, who knows you may be able to wake some up and help them to think in the right direction when it comes to loving oneanother.