Wow that's great shelley! What a discovery... We will make him welcome for sure... Comes with great references....
P.S. you link doesn't work so I'll fix it for you... CLICK THIS ONE
i was talking to my little brother tonight to let him know about my surgery tomorrow.
we got to talking and he has been posting here, too.
he's a lot more in to deeper subjects than i am.
Wow that's great shelley! What a discovery... We will make him welcome for sure... Comes with great references....
P.S. you link doesn't work so I'll fix it for you... CLICK THIS ONE
i would always leave a space between me and someone else.
i hated when someone was seated right next to me.
didn't feel comfortable.. i also loved sitting in back of a tall person, that would hide everything, like that i could close my eyes and the speaker wouldn't
When I was sharing house with a few girls we'd always fight over who would sit where. One of the girls didn't like to sit on the aisle and always insisted someone else did. Well this made the rest of us determined to make HER sit on the aisle. LOL.
otherwise I'd always sit in the back 3rd of the hall.
hi gg/bg, how's it goin'???
Shameless self promotion there missy! LOL...
Come on guys lets love bomb her!
hi gg/bg, how's it goin'???
GGBG!!!! how are you precious! absolutely we sure are kindred spirits. I see you've made the acquaintance of the lovely arrow star too!
Aww its good to see you, I'm glad I didn't miss this thread..
i was thinking today, i've been here at jwd for nearly three years now.
i've observed that our aussie members are the most laid back members on the board here.they don't take their country, their politics or anything too seriously really.
people who are from europe tend to be more laid back than the brits and americans.
From an Australian Perspective our mind boggles with how involved American's are with political matters.
In Australia it is compulsary to vote. If it wasn't I don't think any one would show up on polling day!
missing the friends left behind
miss any of their friends that they left behind in the organization.
understandable in a way, why they feel the way they do.
I miss them. I loved them dearly and I know they loved me. I clearly remember what it was like being an active JW as well. You just didn't associate with the inactive ones. It wasn't done. It was frowned upon and had repercussions.
I had some very close friends that I worked with as well. Yesterday I happened to run into them. A married couple. The wife of the pair was friendly, you could tell she was not sure what to say or do (keep in mind I am not disphellowshipped or disassociated) but at least she exchanged pleasantries and where are you working now etc etc. Her husband on the other hand gave me a look of pure venom/hate. He would not acknowledge me and made it clear I was being shunned.
Part of me cries inside for what we had and have no longer. For all those memories shoved away.
Part of me feels angry and betrayed because I thought I knew this guy and we were close but it turns out I didn't know him at all.
Part of me feels vindicated, my mum was there to witness it (mum is still very much a JW), I don't think she fully believed that her fellow JWs behaved like this but now she's seen it for herself.
Its all just too confusing.
i guess this is kind of a fun topic.
who was the weirdest person in your congregation or kingdom hall?
without naming names, who was the person that was the most creepy, eccentric, or "out in left field"?
LOL - I know exactly who Chuckie is referring to. The same old biddy had a massive crush on all the young brothers in the congregation. She would pursue them like a dog in heat! Then another sister in the cong married a brother 35 years her junior. My goodness was the first one jealous!
She particularly liked one of the MS Pioneers and would threaten him that one day when he came to pick her up for witnessing she would be dressed in only her bra and knickers.
Despite being 70+ she used to sprout off all the time saying she had the body of a 40 year old. Trust me... she didn't!
i wrote for the first time 5 months ago.
one of my sisters, a hoho, was married 27 years to an ms who has abused her mentally, emotionally, physically, and this was well-known to most everyone who knew them including family.
when she filed for divorce, i heard that our parents, other family and ex-friends yelled at and criticized her, and then the elders called her into a meeting and condemned her, i was furious.
LOL Looking Glass. Well I guess I wasn't the only one. I wish I had a mum like yours though. Willing to stand up to the BS.
i wrote for the first time 5 months ago.
one of my sisters, a hoho, was married 27 years to an ms who has abused her mentally, emotionally, physically, and this was well-known to most everyone who knew them including family.
when she filed for divorce, i heard that our parents, other family and ex-friends yelled at and criticized her, and then the elders called her into a meeting and condemned her, i was furious.
LOL - I did. I was probably about 12 or 13 at the time.
I was desperately lonely.
We had an unbelieving father and were subsequently left out of every social activity people in the congregation organised. None of the other youths in the congregation were interested in being friends with myself, sister and brother. Then of course you weren't to have 'wordly' frineds.
And so I wrote them. I wrote asking if they might put me in contact with someone. Like a pen pal sort of thing. I popped my letter into the post box and sent all the way to Brooklyn from Australia.
A few months later I got approached by an elder. I was scolded for writing to Bethel about such a trivial matter and reprimanded for my selfish attitude of not wanting to reach out and befriend people locally.
Hows that? Surely it wouldn't take a rocket scientest to see how we were being excluded! I still think they were callous.
official survivor: cook islands cast announcement
wednesday, august 23 - on the early show (cbs).
a survivor twist!
Edited because I said too much...hehehe