G'day from Down Under!!!!
JoinedPosts by misspeaches
The Brought-in, and the universal exit of a dub
by wanderlustguy inof course there are exceptions to everything, this is strictly my view and no judgments should be implied.... .
there are different levels of brought-in, starting with the varying ages of childhood, when the childrens parents are brought in.
for the purposes of this, i am dealing with from teenage on up.. .
Then…reach out to one of OUR brothers or sisters, whether on the board saying, “Welcome” to a newbie, or call a friend you found again, and steady them as they, too get to their feet. Even if it’s just a hello, we all know it helps to know you’re not alone. Then you can face The Organization and more importantly the mirror, and know they did not win, they did not take the one thing that makes us all great people.
How true. A friendly greeting to someone new can make all the difference. We know the hurt we know the awkwardness we are in a position to help. And taking hold of someones hand as you guide them along is a feeling that can't be compared to.
JWs who were actually cool
by Black Man inwe always talk about the crazy j-dub fundy types, but i knew some cool jws (co, do, bethelites, pio) during my time.
this is kind of a "where are they now" post along with acknowledginig some jws who were cool and down-to-earth.
as with most "cool" and good people in the borg, most of them are either not jws anymore (burned out) or are not "serving" in responsible positions (funny how that works, isn't it).
There was this one brother and his family I remember from years ago. At a convention the family gave their experience especially the father of who they had managed to be loyal good dubbies whilst suffering EXTREME illness. Later I met some members of this family. That father was a VERY good man. He had involvement with the big wigs and yet put it all behind him when he left the borg. He and his wife really stand out in my mind.
Films/movies that resonate with Apostates
by Black Man inthere are a few films that i really connect with that sum up my j-dub experiences........ .
shawshank redemption: if you've ever "served time" at bethel, you can't help but connect with this film.
institutionalization, mental persecution and "andy dufrene crossing through 500 yards of shit, came out clean on the other side.
Oh I agree with TS - The Village.
And here's another one completely left field and trashy - Flowers In The Attic.
Which person in history would you like to be?
by DannyBloem inif you could choose, which person in history would you like to be?.
(okay, i allow bible characters.
I wanna be that Queen who when people p*ssed her off she just ordered OFF WITH THEIR HEADS and kerplonk off went their heads.
I could order that about some of my more confoundingly annoying clients. Like the lady who just rang up and I advised her to disassemble and reassemble what she had just done. She asked what disassemble and reassemble means.
Do you think that you're presently living the best moments of your life?
by JH in.
i feel as if i'm on top of a mountain, and things are going good.
things could always be better, but i can't complain.. how about you?
damn right!!! In fact the moments of my life are so damned fantastic you guys wish you were me.
THE ULTIMATUM is about to be thrown.............
by Buck inwell, its been a while since i was made a unbaptized publisher.
now my hand is going to be forced and i will have to be baptized by the end of the year.
my gf wants my decision very soon, like the next couple of days.
Can't your girlfriend just love you for who you are?
Why do you have to be part of a religon for her to love you. That's conditional love. That's not true love.
Good to be back....
by crazyblondeb inmy computer crashed and i had to find a cheaper apartment.
so the last month i really, really missed ya'll!!!!!
did i miss anything good??
A month without JWD! What were you thinking...? How have you coped...? ARE YOU OKAY...
Thank goodness your back. Now you must absorb yourself heavily reading old threads until your up to date on matters!
by tijkmo in.
whos done it...did you want to..did you try to get out of it..did you enjoy it.... i've always wanted to...got called once but used religious stance as a way out..wish i hadnt now
You bananas!
Don't you know the society doesn't want you serving on Jury's? Imagine if you experienced how justice is served in real life situations and realised that the justice metered out from the platform, backroom, publications was all a crock!!!
by Gill inwell, today i began to think there really was no point in trying to argue a point in a reasonable reasoning way with a jw, after all, there's non so blind as those who will not see.. i saw my, mother, again and we had a humungous scrap on the wtbts.
she wanted to know if i expected her to return to the rcatholic church as that's the religion she originated in.
she told me how she had been badly beaten by the nuns and that on one occasion when she had missed class and gone to the cinema instead she had received such a severe clobbering that she could barely sit down for a week.
Well, I started laughing. It was too funny. I started wriggling my fingers menacingly at her. 'Why, are you afraid that the Debil and his deemunz are going to get you!'
LOL.... That line cracked me up.
I guess you know your mum and you know what approach to take with her. I wish I could be so outright with mine. Instead I must handle her with kid gloves...