LMAO at Elsewhere!
That is gold... I love that idea... You have to keep us posted on the outcome. Oh I love it. Get yourself a mentor over there if you want some guidance. Callum is always very helpful.
i am still looking around at cars to buy, hopefully i will buy some time around december or january.
about a month ago i posted about an internet scam where people over-seas try to get people in america to pay for cars that will be shipped to them from another country.. i have reported this scam to yahoo!
autos and to the internet fraud complaint center (www.ifccfbi.gov) but never heard from either and since then i have seen a substantial increase in the number of scams appearing in the yahoo!
LMAO at Elsewhere!
That is gold... I love that idea... You have to keep us posted on the outcome. Oh I love it. Get yourself a mentor over there if you want some guidance. Callum is always very helpful.
i am still looking around at cars to buy, hopefully i will buy some time around december or january.
about a month ago i posted about an internet scam where people over-seas try to get people in america to pay for cars that will be shipped to them from another country.. i have reported this scam to yahoo!
autos and to the internet fraud complaint center (www.ifccfbi.gov) but never heard from either and since then i have seen a substantial increase in the number of scams appearing in the yahoo!
Hey elsewhere you can get some excellent tips from http://www.419eater.com
hi all i had invited my next door neighbour and her boyfriend at the time to my engagement, at the engagement when he thought we wernt looking her b\f was seen taking my friends full pack of cigarettes and put it in his pocket.
they broke up and she got us involved for suport so we helped her out with this guy.
then a few weeks later he was back but just as "friends" i gave her her wedding invitation and told her she could bring a friend as long as it wasnt that guy and she said "oh dont worry im not bringing him".
Excellent. Sometimes, as ridiculous as it is, these things have more impact when they come from a guy. Good on him for getting involved so you don't have to carry this on your own...
Let us know how it goes pet.
to a beautiful round-faced angel named megan.. .
born at a few minutes before 5:00 pm and weighing in at a light 8 lb 10 oz.
and i say light because her brother last year weighed in at 9 lb 10 oz.. .
Oh LadyLee that is excellent news! Your family must be delighted. I love widdle cute darling little babies!!!
here's what i don't get about some religions.
maybe someone could explain it to me.
okay, hypothetically, let's say you belong to a religion where one of the "rules" is that you shouldn't eat peanut butter.
darn you elsewhere! I was just about to post the exact same comic strip!!!
even if you don't believe in what you'd preach, would you accept being a jw in return for a salary?.
why not?
No I would definately not.
For starters I could not personally let me self be associated with an organisation that I know is going to impact in a negative way on peoples futures. Secondly I would be so miserable and unhappy in that environment that it wouldn't be worth getting paid.
I have in the past left a VERY well paying job because of how unhappy I was in it to take a job with a significant pay cut just so I could work somewhere that gave me job satisfaction and I enjoyed.
the amp on my record player just blew out in the middle of the cult's "sweet soul sister" from the sonic temple lp.. now i can't listen to any records until i get a new one!
any leads on a cheap, gentley used one?.
Oh that's not good! Music enhances our moods and our life. I hope you find another amp soon!
Cheer up luv - your a jedi now!!!
absalom, a complete asshole, met an untimely death, and even though he caused untold trouble to his father, david still wept bitterly over his son, 'absalom,oh my son absalom!
" that one still gets to me.. and at the end of one of rush's more emotional songs, distant early warning (1984), geddy calls out "absalom!
When I read about how Jesus died and how he was treated it breaks my heart every time....
my husband and i are not jw's.
my husband sympathizes with the religion because his entire family is "in".
as a result, he has come to know a local jw (non-relative).
Hi Jeannine and welcome! :)
You asked:
why wouldn't the JWs that hang around with this guy be the ones to walk up our steps considering this guy has such a hard time walking? He is always with a few JWs that wait in the car while he struggles to get up the stairs. Not all disabled people want help and I understand that allowing them to be independant brings dignity to them. However, I was wondering if there was also some JW rule that the one who "finds" the house must also be the one who keeps walking up the stairs.There is no rule as such how it works is this. The person who intially starts calling on the person assumes some type of ownership on that house. They will let everyone know that is their return visit. This is to stop anyone else calling there. The reason for that is at the end of each month the JW must fill out a report of their activities. This should include how many hours they spent out, how many return visits they made, how much literature was placed with non JW's and how many bible studies were conducted. They are constantly counselled on having return visits, getting a certain amount of hours, placing books, mags etc. They tend to get really narky about their return visits and not letting other people call there. I've seen witness ladies have full on screaming matches because someone called on someone elses return visit.
at this weekend's toledo convention a young woman was interviewed.
she had worked pt for a bank for years while finishing her acctg.
degree and pioneering.
Yes they go on and on about how when you are a JW your life is so much more happier and easier and less complicated then WORDLY PEOPLE *shudder*. Yet in reality they expect you to attend thousands of meetings volunteer thousands of hours of door knocking and work for minimum wage doing really long hours just to get by in life.
Horse crap.