I always get excited with a new voice in the crowd...!!!
So my advice to you newbies is POST POST POST!!!!
i have spotted at least 10 newbies this week-end !!!
seems the rebel forces are growing stronger by the minute....... welcome y'all !
I always get excited with a new voice in the crowd...!!!
So my advice to you newbies is POST POST POST!!!!
Hey Scott I like you already! Glad you came on board to let us get to know you.
Keep up with you satires. I always enjoy a little light humour amongst all the deep subjects.
Have a wonderful day!
Miss Peaches
i was just wondering if you had any doctors, lawyers, pyschologists, psychiatrists, engineers or any highly educated ones in your congregation?
We had a well to do couple join the congregation. He was a Pharmacist and she was a socialite. (LOL). Anyway they were wealthy and intelligent. They lasted for about 2 years (baptised and all) before fading and never being heard of again. I am guessing that their intelligence prompted them to investigate the WTBTS properly. They both disagreed strongly with the 'shunning' issue and I suggest this prompted them to examine the religon extensively.
who is your favorite bible character and, or, account and why?
Derrick you won't bother trying to understand where I am coming from so I'm not going to continue on further with this discussion except to tell you that your 'holier than thou' attitude is very unbecoming.
am i the only one who misses the posts and prescence of
my brother, where have you gone?
i miss you and long for your return.
you have a PM
i saw you have joined us here at jwd.
i wanted to extend a welcome to you.. i hope you enjoy your stay here.
i look forward to reading what you have to share.. miss peaches.
OMG a sleepover including Preston... Could it get any better? Anyone anyone? Dams I sure hope you have space for us all!!!
I'll be in my winnie the pooh jarmies... hehehe
i saw you have joined us here at jwd.
i wanted to extend a welcome to you.. i hope you enjoy your stay here.
i look forward to reading what you have to share.. miss peaches.
OldSoul your wish is our command.
Photos can be posed video tends to be more spontaneous. The choice is yours. Dams is a master with a camera...
i saw you have joined us here at jwd.
i wanted to extend a welcome to you.. i hope you enjoy your stay here.
i look forward to reading what you have to share.. miss peaches.
Yay! I'll start saving for my airline ticket now! I love cookies AND strong drinks! It'll be the apostasleepover to end all apostasleepovers!!!
i remember starting a thread like this many years ago..... no, honetly, i can remember things that happend to me when i was about 3 years old.
i was on my tricycle and i got lost, so my mom phoned the cops and they found me.
I remember at 18 months my sister crying because she didn't want to go to ballet lessons and I really wanted to go instead of her. I remember being really disappointed because mum didn't let me. I also remember that I wasn't wearing any pants whilst this was taking place. Naked from the waist down. I thought it was really strange but mum can remember it clearly and tells me it is true.
i saw you have joined us here at jwd.
i wanted to extend a welcome to you.. i hope you enjoy your stay here.
i look forward to reading what you have to share.. miss peaches.
Oh Dams!!!!!!!!! You can join our love fest anytime!!!!!!!!!! It wouldn't be complete without you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luv you darl....