Hey again and thanks to everyone for the welcome! My only contact with JWs comes via my Mom, who's the world's biggest dichotomy in human form to ever walk the planet. For instance, I'm technically DF'd - back when I was 18 yrs old and enrolled in college [which I had to fund myself as my JW mom & non-believer Dad didn't want to provide financial details to the gubmint on the student aid forms, hence I had to fork over the cash myself and go semester to semester worrying about paying...but I digress]. My JW mom was having a hard time as my non-believer Dad had run off with the family savings, didn't pay any child support and Mom had a huge responsibility in 2 kids and a mortgage, etc. She didn't work full time but ended up going back to work. Anyway, during that time and prior to it, she was a very difficult parent. She didn't "spare the rod" and quite liberally abused me physically and emotionally [very verbally abusive to say the least]. By age 18 I'd had enough of that bull@h!t and figured I'd go to the Elders [power hungry losers with a little power, which corrupted them of course] and ask for help with my abusive Mom. HA!!! What a naive child I was! They gave me the old "obey your father and mother" speech, informed me that I'd be DF'd if I spoke of this again and sent on my way. People who'd come along with me as witnesses to the abuse were told to get lost. Oh well. Eventually, I worked up the courage to just leave. I packed my teenaged junk in some plastic bags and left. I never went back. It was SO tough [it was 1977] for a young, naive girl to be on her own. I received NO help whatsoever from other JW relatives and the only person who would help me was my great-grandma, a pensioner living in a small apartment. I went to live with her for a while, got a full time job, went to school PT and ended up marrying my boyfriend the following year. WE're still together. Meantime, my JW mom had yet another divorce [her 2nd] and is now single as she's unwilling to get married to anyone without a pre-nup. The JW geisers her age want no part of that deal. hahahaha! Here's the rub: over the years, I've had it out with my Mom, confronted her on the abuse, and low and behold, she actually apologized. I don't necessarily believe it was an entirely sincere apology at first [I didn't speak to her for 5 years - I in effect shunned her] but as she's aged and I lived 800 miles away in all that time, she's realized the error of her ways. We communicate almost daily, she's visited with my family many times over the years, has celebrated various holidays and she totally ignores the WTS's demand to shun family members who're DF'd. Interestingly, she still believes I'm one "enlightenment" away from rejoining the Borg....er....JWs and I can only laugh at her utter naivete and almost delusional hope. She still wastes time preaching JW bull$h!t to me and sending me boxes of books and magazines [which I promptly toss in the trash]. She's pretty much a total hypocrite who hangs in there [it's almost 40 years for her!] for the social life and probably to give her life some sort of meaning. LIke most people, she can't deal with the idea of DEATH meaning...well, you're DEAD and gone. Not going to heaven, not going to be "resurrected" and living forever...in order to make sense of life in general, she and many millions [billions] like her cling to the whole god construct as a way of making sense of things. Oh well, whatever floats her boat but I find it tremendously laughable and sad and useless that she's invested all her energies in preaching the WTBTS line to unsuspecting people who usually don't have a critical thought inside their empty heads. Sheesh. Life sure is interesting. Hayley
JoinedPosts by RottiePrincess
Is this a website promoting JW beliefs or ???
by RottiePrincess ini've lurked a bit here a few times and i still can't figure out if this is a site of devout believers who're having crisis issues or if it's an anti-jw site.
personally, i'm basically just curious.
i've been out of the wtbts for a long time now [25 yrs] but my mom is still active and some of my relatives are also.
Is this a website promoting JW beliefs or ???
by RottiePrincess ini've lurked a bit here a few times and i still can't figure out if this is a site of devout believers who're having crisis issues or if it's an anti-jw site.
personally, i'm basically just curious.
i've been out of the wtbts for a long time now [25 yrs] but my mom is still active and some of my relatives are also.
I've lurked a bit here a few times and I still can't figure out if this is a site of devout believers who're having crisis issues or if it's an anti-JW site. Personally, I'm basically just curious. I've been out of the WTBTS for a long time now [25 yrs] but my Mom is still active and some of my relatives are also. Looking at much of the angst many JWs express, as well as recalling much of the angst/misery of many ex-JW's I met 20 yrs ago locally, I feel genuine empathy for so much wasted energy. If this site is about exposing the JWs lies and weirdness, I'm all for it. Where I'm at now in life I don't waste 1% of my time/energy/thoughts on JWs or their cult, though at one point in my early 20's, I did because I was coming out of the brainwashed stage into reality. Hayley