Welcome to the forum MOC, and to the rest of your life :-) Right now you are still a JW, sometime soon you will be an ex-JW and eventually hopefully you can graduate to ex-ex-JW. And then you won't be on this forum so much...
But for now, in my experience (most of it on here somewhere) the big things are:
1 - make sure to know that most people on here are supportive (sometimes misguided, mistaken and misspelt so take it all with a pinch of salt),
2 - that you have time to plan and make the best moves for you and your family. Try and treat it as a game you will win, and try not to be too rash, difficult though that is.
3 - do not worry about 'what' to believe next - you have plenty of time to figure that out - it's ok to give yourself permission to accept that now you don't know the answer to some of the bigger questions, and also to accept that you might never know. In short, don't rush towards an alternative belief system. It's one of the big advantages of the Internet that the only exit door from JW'ism is no longer manned by Evangelicals. Atheists/agnostics have a different door you can choose to walk through.
4 - Give yourself permission to accept that many of your life choices so far are not your fault. You have been brainwashed in a cult and are starting a journey to recovery towards a more standard way of thinking. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. :-)
5 - Accept that you will eventually be shunned by some, whether you are disfellowshipped or not. There is no honourable way to leave this religion. That's the way it has been set up against you by others. In time, think carefully about fading versus being disfellowshipped. There is no right answer for your circumstances, particularly not from strangers on a web forum. (You may decide that your time on this planet is not a dress rehearsal and that the inevitable years of deception to possibly maintain conditional friends and family is not worth it for you). Consider carefully how much longer and to what extent your life will be ruled by 7 grey men in grey suits from a grey office block in Brooklyn.
6 - Post any/all of your thoughts and questions on here. I have never seen a decent question not get a bunch of answers.
Wishing you the best of luck, you will need it.
PS www.jwfacts.com is the best resource for unravelling the doctrines and claims of of JW's, and was instrumental in helping me get my wife out with me.