I cannot imagine what it would be like to be in the religion now - nor would I want to.
The Witnesses were never able to deliver any ‘New System or New World’.. It was always somebody else, namely God, who was supposed to do this. So, if these prophecies and beliefs were wrong…well guess what? It wouldn’t be happening and said Being wouldn’t be bringing it about because He didn’t say it.
So, the past almost century and a half of wrong predictions by the JWs was just a waste of time for countless people. The ones there now want relief from old age and lack of financial preparation (but they can thank the religion for that).
I didn’t listen back then and they knocked me.. So, here we are now: I prepared and am content to take one day at a time like human beings should;.. they didn’t prepare and are miserable and wishing for everything to be over.. SO, Who has the healthier outlook??