You say these people who followed that direction are a ‘burden’ on others. Really?🙄
What if these so-called others do not acknowledge this burden?.. What if they (correctly) conclude that this is not their problem? .. After all, whose fault is it that other Witnesses did not pay into private pensions in the first place???
Some might argue the religion didn’t ‘force’ anybody. That may be true but they imposed sanctions on people who worked in the form of shunning and gossip. I personally experienced this.
Of course, Witnesses should have kept their business private in the first place!!!
The reason my business became known is that a JW did my taxes and saw that I contributed to IRAs.. I’m sure they blabbed to all the busybodies. Thank God I planned because nobody would be supporting me!
As I said in my post above about wrong ASSumptions, nobody has any business believing responsible people are somehow obligated to provide charity to irresponsible Witnesses who didn’t work OR plan.. So sorry anybody bought into the fantasy.