Well, the forum will always be changing and there will always be provocateurs, here and elsewhere.
I don't think having a strong opinion is bossing someone around. One can always "change the channel", choose to disengage, agree to disagree, let it go. Do people on TV boss you around? People only have power over you if you let them have it.
AGuest was a character that's for sure. I laugh to myself when I think of some of the "debates" I had with her. The guy who praised Jebus in McDonalds because he fed a homeless guy who was barred from the restaurant really stands out. The Lord didn't reach down and hand the guy a BigMac FFS. And here I am arguing with a crazy person on the interwebs about it. Who gives a shit? LMAO
Like many things, what you see is often a reflection of yourself in some way and it's always easy to see what you don't like.
True believers, whether christian, muslim or whatever, want to convert you, they want you to believe what they do, and they're willing to go to extremes to make it happen. Atheists don't really care what you believe, and don't go out of their way to convert someone.
Well, not sure if I agree with that; some believers aren't out to convert you; somebody has to be the infidel, the opposition, that which props up their beliefs, someone to judge themselves in comparison to. The psychologist I saw years ago (may he RIP) observed that the JW belief works as long as there's a "world" to see themselves as no part of. It would never work without a bogeyman. And the more popular a belief gets, the more likely it would have a schism and fragment. People have their own ideas and we are still tribal to a large extent; human nature. But by and large, most religious people aren't out to convert you, unless they're evangelical, by definition. Of all the people you meet in day to day life, most are religious and of these, how many try to convert you?
As for atheists not caring what you believe, I think by and large that's true but most people don't care what you believe anyways so why differentiate?
That being said, there are atheists who try to convert people to their way of thinking, but these are a minority IMO