He created evil (Lam. 3:38, Jer. 26:3, 36:3, Ezek. 20.:25-26, Judges 9:3, 1 Sam. 16:23, 18:10);
He decieved (Jer. 4:10, 15:18, 20:7, 2 Chron. 18:22, Ezek. 14:9, 2 Thess. 2:9-12);
He told people to lie(Ex. 3:18, 1 Sam. 16:2); He lied (Gen 2:17, 2 Sam. 7:13);
He rewarded liars (Ex. 1:15-20);
He ordered men to become drunken (Jer. 25:27);
He rewarded the fool and the transgressor (Prov.26:10);
He delivered a man, Job, into Satan's hands (Job 2:6);
He mingled a perverse spirit (Isa. 19:14);
He spread dung on people's faces (Mal. 2:3));
He ordered stealing (Ezek. 39:10, Ex. 3:22);
He made false prophecies (Jonah 3:4. Gen. 5:10);
He Changed his mind (Jonah 3:10);
He caused adultery (2 Sam. 12:11-12);
He ordered the taking of a harlot (Hosea 1:2, 3:1-2);
He killed (Num. 16:35, 21:6, Deut. 32:39, 1 Sam. 2:26, Psalm 135:10);
He ordered killing (Lev. 26:7-8, Num. 25:4-5);
He had a temper (Deut. 13:17, Judges 3:8);
He was often jealous (Deut. 5:9, 6:15);
He wasn't omnipresent (Gen4:16, 11:5, 1 Kings 19:11-12);
He wasn't omniscient (Deut. 8:2, 13:3, 2 Chron. 32:31);
He often repented (Ex. 32:14, 1 Sam. 15:35);
He practiced injustice (Ex. 4:22-23, Joshua 22:20, Rom. 5:12);
He played favorites (Deut. 7:6, 14:2, 1 Sam. 12:22);
He sanctioned slavery (Ex. 21:20-21, Deut. 15:17);
He degraded deformed people (Lev. 21:16-23);
He punished a baster for being illegitimate (Deut. 23:2);
He punished many for the acts of one (Gen. 3:16, 20:18);
He punished children for the sins of their fathers (Ex. 12:29, 20:5, Deut. 5:9);
He prevented people from hearing his word (Isa. 6:10, John 12:39-40);
He supported human sacrifice (Ex. 22:29-30, Ezek. 20:26);
He ordered cannabalism (Lev. 26: 29, Jer. 19:9);
He demanded virgins as a part of war plunder(Num. 31:31-36);
He ordered gambling (Joshua 14. 2, Num. 26:52, 55-56);
He ordered horses to be hamstrung (Joshua 11:6);
He sanctioned violation of the enimies women (Deut. 21:10-14);
He excused the beating of slaves to death (Ex. 21:20-21);
He required a woman to marry her rapist (Deut. 22:28:29);
He taught war (Psalm 144:1);
He ordered the burning of human feces to cook food (Ezek. 21:3-5);
He intentionally issued bad laws (Ezek. 20:25);
He excused the sins of prostitutes and adulerers (Hosea 4:14);
He excused a murderer and promised his protection (Gen. 4:8-15);
He killed a man who refused to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law (Gen. 38:9-10);
He is indecisive (Gen. 18:17).