I just happened to be doing a little research today and came upon these "delightful words of truth". These are a few from an article in the Oct 1, 1960 Watchtower entitled...
The Holy Bible—the Book by Jehovah’s Witnesses
By birth Jesus was one of the nation of Israel to whom Jehovah God said, in Isaiah 43:10-12: “‘You are my witnesses,’ is the utterance of Jehovah.” So Jesus was born on earth to be Jehovah’s witness. This fact he refused to deny, even before the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, who sentenced Jesus to death.
To emphasize that Jesus was a witness the apostle Paul speaks of “Christ Jesus, who as a witness made the right public declaration in the audience of Pontius Pilate.” (1 Tim. 6:13)
Further, out of Jesus’ own mouth we hear his confession to being Jehovah’s witness, when he says to Nicodemus, a Jewish teacher in Israel: “What we know we speak and what we have seen we bear witness of, but you people do not receive the witness we give. If I have told you earthly things and yet you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?”—John 3:11, 12;
Then Jesus commented: “Today this scripture that you just heard is fulfilled.” To show its fulfillment, he now proceeded to “proclaim the year of Jehovah’s favor,” which Jehovah had anointed him to proclaim. Jesus was thus proving himself Jehovah’s witness.
Said the apostle Paul: “Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ.” (1 Cor. 11:1; 1 Thess. 1:6) The truth becomes plain, therefore, that true Christians, true followers of Christ, must imitate him in being Jehovah’s witnesses. True Christians are Jehovah’s witnesses.
When such natural Jews left Judaism with its traditions and became Christians in the days of the apostles, they did not cease to be Jehovah’s witnesses. No; they became the Christian witnesses of Jehovah, like their Leader Jesus Christ the Greater Moses. The natural-born Jews who refused to accept Jesus Christ as the Greater Moses were the ones who ceased to be Jehovah’s witnesses as well as Jehovah’s national “servant” class.
Thus the Holy Bible of which Jehovah God is the one Author was completed by means of his witnesses, even as it had been begun by means of them. Consequently, with no room allowed for Scriptural contradiction, it may be said that The Holy Bible is the Book by Jehovah’s witnesses. As Revelation 19:6 exclaims, “Hallelujah!”