But, you also believe Native Americans are Lamanites......of Jewish descent...and aren't they supposed to turn white if they convert to Mormonism The garden of eden is in Missouri Hill of Cumorah need to know secret keywords and how to pass tokens to get into heaven reformed egyptian golden plates Smith used a seer stone etc......... You wouldn't admit to evolution even if you believed it....you can't. In McConkie's address entitled "The Seven Deadly Heresies" he listed as "Heresy Two" the "false and devilish" notion advanced by "those who say that revealed religion and organic evolution can be harmonized. Such claims, McConkie said, did not represent "true science" but, rather, "the false religions of the dark ages . . . some of which have crept in among us." You, by Mormon standards, would be guilty of heresy if you expressed any belief in evolution. Sounds a little more like intellectual intimidation to me.
JoinedPosts by SeymourButts
Evidence for evolution, Installment 5: Lake Tanganyika, etc
by seattleniceguy inhey gang!
i apologize for my absence of a few weeks.
i have been very busy with work lately, and i hate to write something that i haven't been able to research properly, so i haven't posted anything in this series for three weeks now.
And THIS is supposed to be a God worthy of worship?
by SeymourButts inhe created evil (lam.
3:38, jer.
26:3, 36:3, ezek.
All the indiscrepencies in the Bible show that he isn't even real. The Bible is just a book written by some dudes a long time ago, and is totally uninspired.
I'm with you Dustin. The more I dug into the Bible and it's formation the more I began to realize its inconsistancies, discrepancies and contradictions. I can understand people believing in a god, but why anyone wholeheartedly believes in the Bible is beyond me.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses Have The Reputation THEY Think They Have?
by minimus inwitnesses believe they are special.
the publications give many examples of how wonderful a witness was viewed upon by a "worldly" person.
kms tell of how so many praise the witnesses for being so "different".....what would you say is the real way people view jws??
I have yet to meet a single person (non-dub) that has thought they were "wonderful". Most have no clue whatsoever what the dubs are about or what they believe. They are just chalked up to another wacko religion like the Mormons.
Blind in one eye and can't see out of the other.
And THIS is supposed to be a God worthy of worship?
by SeymourButts inhe created evil (lam.
3:38, jer.
26:3, 36:3, ezek.
God is truth, God is love, God is light etc....
Although this may be true of God, it is in direct opposition to "His" Book's description of him. According to "His" Book he not only violated his own Ten Commandments by killing individuals, telling people to lie, causing adultry, and ordering stealing, but committed a wide assortment of other despicable acts.
Another example of a loving God.
by jula71 ini was looking through the newest wt just to see what "new light" there is now.
i came across the questions from readers, and i was amazed by what i read.
from the may 15, 2005 wt, the question was "why were david and bath-sheba not put to death for committing adultery, whereas their newborn son died?
Ezek. 9:6 says, "Slay utterly old and young, both maids and little children, and women...." and 1 Sam. 15:3 says, "...slay both man and woman, infant and suckling...." Deut. 21:18-21 "If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son, who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they chastise him, will not give heed to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city...and they shall say to the elders of his city, 'This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard. Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones; so you shall purge the evil from the midst". Prov. 20:30 RSV "Blows that wound cleanse away evil; strokes make clean the innermost parts". Hosea 13:16 "Samaria shall become desolate: for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword; their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up". Isa. 13:16-18 "Their infants will be dashed in pieces before their eyes; their houses will be plundered and their wives ravished.... Their bows will slaughter the young men; they will have no mercy on the first of the womb; their eyes will not pity children".
And THIS is supposed to be a God worthy of worship?
by SeymourButts inhe created evil (lam.
3:38, jer.
26:3, 36:3, ezek.
He created evil (Lam. 3:38, Jer. 26:3, 36:3, Ezek. 20.:25-26, Judges 9:3, 1 Sam. 16:23, 18:10); He decieved (Jer. 4:10, 15:18, 20:7, 2 Chron. 18:22, Ezek. 14:9, 2 Thess. 2:9-12); He told people to lie(Ex. 3:18, 1 Sam. 16:2); He lied (Gen 2:17, 2 Sam. 7:13); He rewarded liars (Ex. 1:15-20); He ordered men to become drunken (Jer. 25:27); He rewarded the fool and the transgressor (Prov.26:10); He delivered a man, Job, into Satan's hands (Job 2:6); He mingled a perverse spirit (Isa. 19:14); He spread dung on people's faces (Mal. 2:3)); He ordered stealing (Ezek. 39:10, Ex. 3:22); He made false prophecies (Jonah 3:4. Gen. 5:10); He Changed his mind (Jonah 3:10); He caused adultery (2 Sam. 12:11-12); He ordered the taking of a harlot (Hosea 1:2, 3:1-2); He killed (Num. 16:35, 21:6, Deut. 32:39, 1 Sam. 2:26, Psalm 135:10); He ordered killing (Lev. 26:7-8, Num. 25:4-5); He had a temper (Deut. 13:17, Judges 3:8); He was often jealous (Deut. 5:9, 6:15); He wasn't omnipresent (Gen4:16, 11:5, 1 Kings 19:11-12); He wasn't omniscient (Deut. 8:2, 13:3, 2 Chron. 32:31); He often repented (Ex. 32:14, 1 Sam. 15:35); He practiced injustice (Ex. 4:22-23, Joshua 22:20, Rom. 5:12); He played favorites (Deut. 7:6, 14:2, 1 Sam. 12:22); He sanctioned slavery (Ex. 21:20-21, Deut. 15:17); He degraded deformed people (Lev. 21:16-23); He punished a baster for being illegitimate (Deut. 23:2); He punished many for the acts of one (Gen. 3:16, 20:18); He punished children for the sins of their fathers (Ex. 12:29, 20:5, Deut. 5:9); He prevented people from hearing his word (Isa. 6:10, John 12:39-40); He supported human sacrifice (Ex. 22:29-30, Ezek. 20:26); He ordered cannabalism (Lev. 26: 29, Jer. 19:9); He demanded virgins as a part of war plunder(Num. 31:31-36); He ordered gambling (Joshua 14. 2, Num. 26:52, 55-56); He ordered horses to be hamstrung (Joshua 11:6); He sanctioned violation of the enimies women (Deut. 21:10-14); He excused the beating of slaves to death (Ex. 21:20-21); He required a woman to marry her rapist (Deut. 22:28:29); He taught war (Psalm 144:1); He ordered the burning of human feces to cook food (Ezek. 21:3-5); He intentionally issued bad laws (Ezek. 20:25); He excused the sins of prostitutes and adulerers (Hosea 4:14); He excused a murderer and promised his protection (Gen. 4:8-15); He killed a man who refused to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law (Gen. 38:9-10); He is indecisive (Gen. 18:17).
Sport Bike Riders
by Beans in.
hey ya'll, finally picked up my new bike last month and i can't get off it.
the new cbr600rr is one sweet ride!.
The 77 LTD
Sport Bike Riders
by Beans in.
hey ya'll, finally picked up my new bike last month and i can't get off it.
the new cbr600rr is one sweet ride!.
Not bad....for a Honda... lol Just kidding. That bike is one of the easiest to just jump on and ride. Honda really put together a nice bike with that one.
Sport bikes sound ok, but nothing beats the throaty sound of a KZ with a Kerker. I run Kerkers on both my Z1 and KZ. Of course, the first thing to do is yank out the baffle and throw it over the hill. lol
Sportbikes are nice, but give me a vintage KZ any day.
The Evil Slave ...Oh..A Question, Also..
by Englishman inyears ago, when my pop was on one of his "serving where the need is great" missions, we finished up living in yeovil, down in darkest somerset.
the meetings were held in a 2 story rented hall.
the kingdom hall was on the lower floor.
JWs are divided into various classes or categories. People who entered the Organization prior to 1919 and stayed loyal constitute the Mordecai class and the Naomi class. Those entering 1922-1935 are the Esther class and Ruth class. Together these two groups form the wise servant class. (w1972 2/1 85)
The defectors of 1917-1919 who formed organized groups are the evil slave class. The 144,000 are the heavenly class. The great crowd is the earthly class, Jonadab class, Ebed Melech class, etc. Christendom is the Edom class. Christian ministers constitute the swine class and the false Christ class and goat class. (w1972 2/1 88)
Neo Babylonian History....Everyone is Wrong! Ignore the Data!
by VM44 ini have been reading over the articles the watchtower has published concerning neo-babylonian history.
the major consistent statement in all of them is that "everyone is wrong!
doubt and uncertainty is thrown upon all historical evidence.
I came across a chronology list in the 1960 watchtower that has all of the kings listed....chronology up to 1926. Not lengths of reign, but all of the kings are there.