I will be spending this weekend preparing for Wednesday. What is Wednesday you ask? I'll be meeting with a couple of elders....
I have finally got my chance at a no-holds-barred discussion. Gonna be good!!!
other than field service and the watchtower obviously!!!!
I will be spending this weekend preparing for Wednesday. What is Wednesday you ask? I'll be meeting with a couple of elders....
I have finally got my chance at a no-holds-barred discussion. Gonna be good!!!
think about this for a moment.. jws believe that their relentless work now will be rewarded with paradise later.. however, in an effort to get into paradise, many jws do nothing but work, and serve god.
i know my mother does.. so i wonder, what does she think she's going to do in paradise?
what is there that she likes, that will occupy her eternally??.
We should all be pleased to know that without all of our worldly burdens, we will have much. much more time to grobble at the feet of the Governing Boobies.
Can't you just imagine, kingdom halls open 24/7, assemblies every weekend, no end to the wonderful spiritual food that will be provided on a constant basis. I imagine speakers all over the world belting out those beautiful kingdom melodies.
I can't wait to hear the daily talks that inform us of the pain and suffering that the FDS had to endure in order to bring us to such a fantastic paradise!
recall notice .
the maker of all human beings has issued a recall of all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.. this is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named adam and eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units.. this defect has been technically termed "subsequential internal non-morality", or more commonly known as s.i.n., as it is primarily expressed.. some other symptoms: .
1.loss of direction .
Geez dude....I'm not a Christian and don't put much faith in the Bible,...but I still thought it was cute.
recall notice .
the maker of all human beings has issued a recall of all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.. this is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named adam and eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units.. this defect has been technically termed "subsequential internal non-morality", or more commonly known as s.i.n., as it is primarily expressed.. some other symptoms: .
1.loss of direction .
Recall Notice
The maker of all human beings has issued a recall of all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.
This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units.
This defect has been technically termed "Subsequential Internal Non-morality", or more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed.
Some other symptoms:
1.Loss of direction
2.Foul vocal emissions
3.Amnesia of origin
4.Lack of peace and joy
5.Selfish, or violent behavior
6.Depression or confusion in the mental component
The manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory authorized repair and service free of charge to correct this S.I.N. defect.
The repair technician, Jesus, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee required.
The number to call in all areas is P-R-A-Y-E-R. Once connected, please upload your burden of S.I.N. through the REPENTANCE procedure.
Next, download ATONEMENT from the repair technician, Jesus, into the heart component.
No matter how big or small the S.I.N. defect is, Jesus will replace it with:
9.Self control
Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E (Believers Instructions Before Leaving Earth), for further details on the use of the fixes.
WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit
without correction voids any manufacturers warranties,
exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to
list and will result in the human unit being permanently
impounded. For free emergency service, call on Jesus.
DANGER: The human being units not responding to this
recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace.
The S.I.N. defect will not be permitted to enter Heaven,
so as to prevent contamination of that facility.
Thank you for your attention!
P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others
of this important recall notice!!!
hope everyone one is having a great summer season...... has anyone read any good books lately...?.
willy loman; are you out there,,,?.
ps just a note to say that patty and i had dinner with willy loman and his wife when they came to new york; we had a wonderful time......and willy has some great news to announce and share with the forum...
I just finished The Pandas Thumb, by Stephen Gould. Just started Thomas Paine, Common Sense & Rights of Man.
my husband and i play paintball and would love to meet others all over who do also.
we want to make a trip in a few years to go all over and try out different paintball courses.
my husband wasn't a jw so he doesn't know axactlly what i went through but he is a great support.
I used to play all the time. I owned a paintball equipment store for several years called the Splat Shack. We also had a wooded and open field for main play and a speedball court as well.
My favorite gun was an Automag, customized by SmartParts. I live down the road from J&J, the barrel guys. I will be anodizing and polishing parts for them in the near future at my shop.
I was even involved in the worlds largest painball game several years back. Jim Thorpe PA... 700 acres, 24 hours, 5000 people.
I haven't played since I broke my arm.
nabonidus -- 17 years.
nebuchadnezzar -- 43 years.
nabonidus -- 17 years
At the bottom of pg 183 of the book Babylon the Great: "Amel-Marduk (Evil-merodach) as the oldest son succeeded Nebuchadnezzar to Babylons throne in 581 B.C."
pg.184 Babylon The Great
"After reigning but two years King Evil-merodach was murdered by his brother-in-law Neriglissar. According to the inscriptions that have been found, this usurper of the throne spent most of his time in building operations and reigned four years. When he died, his son Labashi-Marduk, though not yet of age, succeeded him. He was a vicious boy, and within nine months he had his throat cut by an assasin. Nabonidus, who had served as Governor of Babylon and who had been Nebuchadnezzar's favorite son-in-law, now took the throne and had a fairly glorius reign till Babylon fell in 539 B.C.as many of you know i live in holland.. i'm visiting the us now and my brother who is now at the convention.
in tacoma wa wants to talk to me about the reason why i left the org.. actually i'd like to, but what i'm afraid of is that it will turn into an argument,.
he and his wife are really gung ho dubbies and .
Make sure you lay out a few ground rules before you begin. I will talk to anyone, but I make them agree to a few simple rules before we start.
Remind him of how the society and God view those that make false accusations. Make him agree to prove you are telling lies before he can label you as an apostate or liar. You also need to agree on what the definition of an apostate is. Make him agree that someone who tells the truth in a matter can't be an apostate.
If you are going to discuss the societies claim of divine inspiration, you need to agree on the definition of a prophet beforehand. Don't wait until you are in the middle of a discussion and then try to agree on the definition. Do it first before you talk about anything. Write it down if you need to so that he can't go back and say, "I didn't say that."
No getting mad and walking out either. "If you want to know what I have to say, you have to stay until I am finished."
Don't discuss doctrinal issues that depend on interpretation, this only leads to argument. Talk about things like the U.N., Bulgaria, various misquotes (creation book is best for this), Rand Cam, etc.... Stay away from 607bc unless you are fully prepared to refute the Kingdom Come book and other misc. articles.
Just a few of the tips that work for me.
http://www.sltrib.com/utah/ci_2777341 .
..even i am a bit gobsmacked
The church's material triumphs rival even its evangelical advances. With unusual cooperation from the Latter-day Saints hierarchy (which provided some financial figures and a rare look at church businesses), TIME has been able to quantify the church's extraordinary financial vibrancy. Its current assets total a minimum of $30 billion. If it were a corporation, its estimated $5.9 billion in annual gross income would place it midway through the FORTUNE 500, a little below Union Carbide and the Paine Webber Group but bigger than Nike and the Gap. And as long as corporate rankings are being bandied about, the church would make any list of the most admired: for straight dealing, company spirit, contributions to charity (even the non-Mormon kind) and a fiscal probity among its powerful leaders that would satisfy any shareholder group, if there were one. The Latter-day Saints employ vast amounts of money in investments that TIME estimates to be at least $6 billion strong. Even more unusual, most of this money is not in bonds or stock in other peoples' companies but is invested directly in church-owned, for-profit concerns, the largest of which are in agribusiness, media, insurance, travel and real estate. Deseret Management Corp., the company through which the church holds almost all its commercial assets, is one of the largest owners of farm-and ranchland in the country, including 49 for-profit parcels in addition to the Deseret Ranch. Besides the Bonneville International chain and Beneficial Life, the church owns a 52% holding in ZCMI, Utah's largest department-store chain. All told, TIME estimates that the Latter-day Saints farmland and financial investments total some $11 billion, and that the church's nontithe income from its investments exceeds $600 million. (from a Time Magazine article, Aug.4,1997) Makes me wonder what the total assets of the Watchtower are.
link http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/donald_morgan/inconsistencies.shtml.
example of some that are listed.... mt 5:16 good works should be seen.. mt 6:1-4 they should be kept secret.. mt 5:17-19, lk 16:17 jesus underscores the permanence of the law.. le 10:8 - 11:47, dt 14:3-21 the law distinguishes between clean and unclean foods.. mk 7:14-15, mk 7:18-19 jesus says that there is no such distinction.. 1ti 4:1-4 all foods are clean according to paul.. mt 5:17-19, lk 16:17 jesus did not come to abolish the law.. ep 2:13-15, he 7:18-19 jesus did abolish the law.. mt 5:39, mt 5:44 do not resist evil.
love your enemies.. 2jn 1:9-11 shun anyone who does not hold the proper doctrine.. mt 5:43-44, mt 22:39 love your enemies.