Smoking may be responsible for more than half of the cases of periodontal disease among adults in this country, according to a new study published in the Journal of Periodontology. The study found that current smokers are about four times more likely than people who have never smoked to have advanced periodontal disease.
The study also found that there is a dose-response relationship between cigarettes smoked per day and the odds of periodontitis. "Smokers who smoked less than a half a pack per day were almost three times more likely than nonsmokers to have periodontitis. Those who smoked more than a pack and a half per day had almost six times the risk,"
Tobacco's negative effect on periodontal health is well documented. Smoking interferes with healing, making smokers more likely to not respond to treatment and to loose teeth. "Tobacco use reduces the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to gingival tissue," explains Robert Genco, D.D.S., Ph.D., editor of the Journal of Periodontology. "Smoking impairs the body's defense mechanisms, making smokers more susceptible to an infection like periodontal disease."
The above paragraphs are excerpts from:
JoinedPosts by EvilForce
Does Smoking Cause Your Teeth To Drop Out?
by Englishman in.
sat last night with 3 smokers in their 50's.
all were complaining about their teeth and how they were becoming very loose and how many had all ready lost several teeth by dint of them literally just becoming loose and then falling out.. englishman.
Digital music service (MP3)
by observador indo any of you have tried one of those mp3 sites?
would you recommend any?
i am trying, but am not pleased: .
Try iTunes
I can't stop watching it!!!
by Elsewhere indo you ever come across something on the internet that you just have to watch over and over?.
blabber i have no idea what this is about other than technology..
all glory to the hypnotoad!.
I love Ambrosia !!!
But all hail the hypnotoad (from Futurama) is cool too!!!! -
What are you in 3 words...........
by ScoobySnax in.
don't be bashful........ ok i'll start....... kind, worried, thoughtful.. your go.......
One Sexy Beast
Another life.. another.. birth. :)
by GetBusyLiving inwould you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
Hib it has never been a choice for me. For me to say I choose means I can turn it on and off I can't.
Asking if I could "do it all over" and choose is silly. Would you choose to be white if you could or black? Black (and gays) would automatically put you at a disadvantage, some people would hate you for your skin color or sexual orientation.
But you know what Hib....I look at my sexuality as a gift. I love myself. I love who I am. I do not deserve all the good things in my life. I have an abundance of awesome friends. I have a husband that loves me and I love him. We cherish every moment we have to spend together. I don't deserve all the good things I have.
I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing that has happened in my life. For if I change one small thing it might undo all the great things I have.
While I had a crappy teenage life...I was not molested. Nor raped, nor any other sexually traumatizing thing. Your dear friend Dobson uses the molestation thing as an urban legend and it's highly insulting. -
IM from a dub who is disgusted at my presence on this board
by stillajwexelder ini have read your posts and am suprised, shocked and disgusted at the fact you still are an active witness who goes to the meetings 70% of the time and at the same time go to apostefests and curse and talk bad about the truth.
dont you know that the bible said people like you would quietly slip in the congregation and subvert the faith of some?
are you not afraid of god and jesus?
Defed...YOU are the one sidestepping.
You still have not explained what YOU are doing here at JWD after repeated requests for you to answer. What are you getting out of JWD? Why are you here? Do you know? I would really like to understand you times you come across as an ass and other times there is a glimmer of you being open, honest and vulnerable. So I'd like to know you better Defed. -
Another life.. another.. birth. :)
by GetBusyLiving inwould you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
Funny Hib... I tell you a story about my childhood and you compare what I went through to some other poor smuck who got screwed over and tell me "Well you life wasn't as bad as so and so....". Very true....I could have been born to a starving African mother somewhere too Hib.
You said ***Spirituality has nothing to do with this. You are destroying your own soul. God hates homosexuality because He did not create it. That's why He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Is this what you truely want EF. IF YOU SAY YES YOU ARE LYING!***
You know what? God could come down here right NOW and tell me he wants to give up homosexuality and I'd tell him to bite me. I chose when I left the witnoids to live my live as to my rules. When leaving the Dubs I didn't even care if they were right. I decided I was going to enjoy my life here and now and let the "afterlife" or lack thereof take care of itself. I HAVE FREE WILL AND WILL EXCERCISE THAT RIGHT HIB....AND YOU ARE BEING UNBIBLICAL BY TRYING TO DENY ME OF THAT GOD GIVEN RIGHT.
So Hib does Satan make the over 450 DOCUMENTED species that engage in homosexual conduct have same sex desire? I mean since it's so "unnatural" it wouldn't be happening "naturally and often" in the animal kingdom right?
Besides this Hib I have posted whole threads on what the bible really says about homosexuality. Since you are at the library right now typing away go pull the book "What the bible really says about Homosexuality" by Dr. Daniel Helnik. Spend an afternoon actually LEARNING something instead of cut and paste preaching. -
IM from a dub who is disgusted at my presence on this board
by stillajwexelder ini have read your posts and am suprised, shocked and disgusted at the fact you still are an active witness who goes to the meetings 70% of the time and at the same time go to apostefests and curse and talk bad about the truth.
dont you know that the bible said people like you would quietly slip in the congregation and subvert the faith of some?
are you not afraid of god and jesus?
You're a bit like Beetlejuice. If your name is mentioned or you are talked about 3 times you seem to show up. LOL -
Another life.. another.. birth. :)
by GetBusyLiving inwould you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
Sorry Hib but your tripe won't fly with me.
I've shared something with you and this board that probably only 2 or 3 people know about in real life. My childhood wasn't very nice Hib. And you say I haven't done enough. LOL. I mock you and your crappy faith.
I realized somewhere shortly after that Hib that I needed to put my life together. And I have. I love myself now Hib. I love being gay....I wouldn't change it for the world. Where once upon a time it was a curse and made life harder....I'm a firm believer it's made me who I am today. To be able to bear down in the worst of get thru things. That is why my life is a success today. He didn't bother to answer then when I was seeking him....I take that to mean he loves me just the way I am. If not...well shame on him.
So to tell me I needed to "do more" is laughable. You're advice was as silly as the Dubs. Go to more meetings, go in more service, blah, blah. Guess what he didn't answer. Maybe he was taking a dump on the privvy those years I needed him...who knows.
But I'm fully happy in my spirituality now. -
Another life.. another.. birth. :)
by GetBusyLiving inwould you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
Yes Hib as a matter of fact I have tried praying to the "big guy" in the sky.
As a self-loathing teenager I begged him for answers. I wanted to know why he wasn't making my gayness go away. I was doing everything he asked me to do. I was in a suicidal downward spiral. I didn't get out of bed for days. I would cry myself to sleep. I wasn't masterbating. I was preaching full time. I baptised myself in Jesus name. I couldn't eat. What more did I need to do to show him I wanted to serve him? I prayed 3 or 4 times a day begging him to fix me. And you know what Hib? HE DIDN'T ANSWER MY F***ING PRAYERS !!!
So before you go off about what I may have done or not done to FIND YOUR SHITTY GOD cut me some slack!
HE FORSOOK ME IN MY TIME OF NEED HIB! So either YOUR GOD doesn't exist or he chose not to answer. In either case I say he can go F*** himself. Thank you very much!