I'm not sure what happened to my first response, but it's not here - hmm. Anyway, since then there have been more responses, so here goes:
- I make no claims to having any answers - therefore I have no argument to defend a fact.
- I find it interesting that people choose to accept or reject scientific theories as facts; when the fact is that a theory is something that cannot be proven or it would be fact.
- I'd be interested in hearing what the 3rd, 4th or 5th option are.
- Besty - I accept wholeheartedly that I haven't researched the subject; but I wasn't making an argument, I was stating a belief. Funny thing about beliefs, they aren't always subject to facts. Truth be told, ten years ago, I couldn't "wrap my head around the idea that the WBTS was corrupt." But look at me today!
- Spook says that (4) "At some further point you get to things which are currently unexplained and perhaps unexplainable. Here most people have a tendancy to make something up." That's what all of it sounds like to me.