Piece of cake! 100% first try. BOOYAH!
luv, kitty
click on the link to see how you can handle a quick test to measure your concentration ..... http://www.njagyouth.org/colortest.swf
Piece of cake! 100% first try. BOOYAH!
luv, kitty
can i just ask, has anyone ever had any bad experience after buying anything from a spiritualist type shop?.
i ask because today i walked past a shop in my town that sells crystals and things and they do tarrot and that kind of thing, i picked up enough courage to go in to have a look and i saw this lovely fairy candle holder, i really liked it but i am a bit afraid to buy it as i guess i've had it drummed in to me that those things are channels for demons.
hi ellie! welcome! i know what u'r feeling. (((((ellie)))))
my entire time growing up i had a crippling fear of demons overtaking me everywhere i turned. i even had terrifying dreams of objects in my house being demonized. what finally brough all this to a head was when i was about 14 and going through a very hard time. my parents were in the middle of a rock'em sock'em divorce, and i was going through puberty. for comfort, i turned to the growing trend among young teenage girls, self mutilation. when my mom found out, she completely freaked and took me directly to the elders. so they began their bible thumping and what not, saying that i was clearly possesed by many demons and that i needed to be spiritually cleansed. so they put me on a spiritual detox system which of course did zilch to help my problem. nobody offered a listening ear or comforting support. it wasn't until my father finally decided that he was tired of the b.s. that he took my to a psychologist ((((shane ph.d)))) it was there that shane and i uncovered years of hurt and shame that was caused mainly by the jdubs and my erratic mother.
now i am living with my boyfriend who is a major fan of Slayer, Deicide, Korn, Manson and all those lovely so called demonized bands. he has a 15 inch Hellraiser figurine on the mantle along with many Hellboy action figures and a Slayer flag with an upside down pentagram on it. I have fairies lining the stereo in our room, a tshirt with 666 Beelzebub on it, and 2 fairy shirts.....needless to say my dear, nothing paranormal has ever happened, and i have never slept as soundly or been at as much peace as i am now.
don't let THEIR fears cripple YOU!
luv, kitty
today, i was looking for a super soaker on ebay.
my ex girlfriend stole the other one, and i was looking to replace it.
it made me think about the time i was a kid.
It was the same thing with a zodiac plaque I had at the time, my extensive collection of horror novels, pound puppis, cabbage patch dolls..........Anyone remember when they were all up in arms about the old Proctor and Gamble logo?
my mom was a strict jw and i had a pound puppy and 2 cabbage patch dolls....what was the jdub dish with them? and i've never heard of the P&G thing...please elaborate.
i had 2 toy restrictions growing up. the only way i was allowed to play with my barbies was by pretending that they were either out in service or at the kingdom hall... i also wasn't allowed to have any fairies...dammit. although i do have a rather extensive collection now.
oh yeah.......she threw out all of my disney movies. i'm talking the old school classic VHS ones that aren't even in production anymore. i could have made some major dough off of those now......sonofabeeyotch.
luv, kitty
on may 5, 2005 the thought occured to me: it's 05/05/05.
now, next year do you think jws -- and/or all fundamentalist groups, etc -- will be anticipating or freak out on june 6, 2006?
it'll be 06/06/06 or, more diabolically extrapolated (as they do so well...), 666!!!
Word....you're a freak.
You've either got a bad case of schizo...or you just like to bust up on boards to hear yourself type...
i toy with the idea of doing this sometimes just for fun...i was wondering if you guys think it would work...i was thinking of going to an out of town congregation where no one knows me and just introducing myself as a visiting witness.
no one would know i was dsf'd...would they?.
of course i wouldn't give my real name...it just seems so funny to me b/c i could so totally play up the zealous pioneer b.s.
i like zen's idea...just give totally lame, but jdub friendly comments....and during the song...sing like u think u'r aretha franklin or something....
bet i'll make a lot of friends...haha!
luv, kitty
i toy with the idea of doing this sometimes just for fun...i was wondering if you guys think it would work...i was thinking of going to an out of town congregation where no one knows me and just introducing myself as a visiting witness.
no one would know i was dsf'd...would they?.
of course i wouldn't give my real name...it just seems so funny to me b/c i could so totally play up the zealous pioneer b.s.
as I told them I was a JW from another congregation the elders questioned me about what congregation and who the PO is and what his phone number is so they can call him
well heck....what are they gonna do if they find out? disfellowship me again?
luv, kitty
i toy with the idea of doing this sometimes just for fun...i was wondering if you guys think it would work...i was thinking of going to an out of town congregation where no one knows me and just introducing myself as a visiting witness.
no one would know i was dsf'd...would they?.
of course i wouldn't give my real name...it just seems so funny to me b/c i could so totally play up the zealous pioneer b.s.
i toy with the idea of doing this sometimes just for fun...i was wondering if you guys think it would work...i was thinking of going to an out of town congregation where no one knows me and just introducing myself as a visiting witness. i was thinking of saying something along the lines of, hi i'm -------. i'm visiting my wordly relatives and wanted to come to the kh for some spiritual refreshment....
no one would know i was dsf'd...would they?
of course i wouldn't give my real name...it just seems so funny to me b/c i could so totally play up the zealous pioneer b.s. and they would never know that they were associating with a goat....hmmmmm
what do u guys think?
luv, kitty
i found this game to be quite fun, funny and helps us learn a little more about each other and their personality.
here's the "rules":
i will start with a question and the next person has to answer that question and then ask a question of his own.
last book...American Psycho
next question.......who shaves their legs on a daily basis?
luv, kitty
just had a kid come in needing a bandaid, just made me think of a friends comments the other day.
she reckons that all we need in the world is mothers spit and bandaids.
mothers spit cleans absolutely anything, and bandaids fix any ailment that a child can come up with.
a bottle of miller light and a pack of camels. .......followed by sex.
luv, kitty
as some of you may know, i am a recently self-deconverted jw.
the experience of deconversion was at times emotional.
i have compiled a list of songs i would listen to on those emotionally turbulent occasions.
this one always reminds me of the jdub's and makes me glad i'm out...
The Unforgiven by Metallica
New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules
With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away
What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been
What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven
They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please them all
This bitter man he is
Throughout his life the same
He's battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me
What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been
What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub the unforgiven
You labeled me
I'll label you
So I dub the unforgiven