>kitty's not used to so many compliments...<
luv, kitty
awwwwwwww....thank u kwin! (((hugs)))
luv, kitty
holy sh!t!!!! that's exactly what he looks like with his glasses off!!!! that's crazy!
we call it the nookie face cuz he takes his glasses off to.....well......u know...
luv, kitty
my sister was expecting a baby, due the first week of july.
she lost it about 2 weeks ago, on a friday.
my mother call me frantic, asking if i had spoken to my sister.
i know how you feel. i think being self centered is a major epidemic among jdub mothers. mine actually had the nerve to tell me when i moved out.....You'd better tell your boyfriend that if you die while you're out there in the world, don't even bother calling me, because i don't want to be involved with you and your sins.....
**sigh** ain't jdub's grand?
((((((((((hugs for u -n- u'r sis)))))))))))
luv, kitty
can i just ask, has anyone ever had any bad experience after buying anything from a spiritualist type shop?.
i ask because today i walked past a shop in my town that sells crystals and things and they do tarrot and that kind of thing, i picked up enough courage to go in to have a look and i saw this lovely fairy candle holder, i really liked it but i am a bit afraid to buy it as i guess i've had it drummed in to me that those things are channels for demons.
do research on your own and not just based on what the jdubs publish...
it'll all be clear to you soon enough.
luv, kitty
couldn't get the whole title of this thread in so here it is:.
can kingdom hall elders be held liable for encouraging or allowing, spanking at the kingdom hall meetings???.
i think that they can in certain states,, and it may even be traceable to the wt organization(thru the youth book or watchtowers on disciple).
i think anyone who is a witness to abuse and does nothing about it should be held responsible one way or the other....
people are so messed up...
luv, kitty
we finished franz' books just about 18 months back - and that nailed the lid shut on the watchtower coffin for wifey and i. but i just noticed in the last few weeks that i am starting to feel 'normal' - that is all the tension is gone now.
no guilt nagging in the back of my head, no concerns about being found out [we faded out].
as if it took 18 months to get the mind free and start the process of getting on with it!
feels great don't it? it took me 4 years...i'd get the courage...then they'd have a talk about how the end was nigh, and i'd freak out. i finally figured out it was a load of crap.
cheers to ya!
luv, kitty