JoinedPosts by littlerockguy
2012: The Year The Internet Ends
by What-A-Coincidence in
06/01/2008 - every significant internet provider around the globe is currently in talks with access and content providers to transform the internet into a television-like medium: no more freedom, you pay for a small commercial package of sites you can visit and you'll have to pay for seperate subscriptions for every site that's not in the package.
what can we do?internet providers have realized that the only way to not lose massive amounts of customers over this is to make sure there are no alternatives, that's why all major internet providers are currently making agreements and planning to switch simultaneously somewhere in the year 2012. this is currently all going on under very strict nda's (non-disclosure agreements) because the last thing they want is the masses speaking out against it.
iPods for the Global Elite @ Bilderberg 2008 Meeting on 6/08
by What-A-Coincidence in
an employee working for apple computers has sent an email to the infowars helpdesk reporting that the department of justice has placed an order for 125 ipods with bilderberg 2008 engraved on the back shipping to chantilly va
Restrangled's Hubby:
Did you even watch Endgame? If no, you are just like a JW who would just dismiss Raymond Franz as apostate without even looking at what he has to say with an open mind. You sir are completely closed minded for judging something you dont even bother looking into.
iPods for the Global Elite @ Bilderberg 2008 Meeting on 6/08
by What-A-Coincidence in
an employee working for apple computers has sent an email to the infowars helpdesk reporting that the department of justice has placed an order for 125 ipods with bilderberg 2008 engraved on the back shipping to chantilly va
They do this so that members can speak freely and not be hounded by the media.
Bullshit. If you dont believe Alex Jones, fine. Dont believe him. Research Carroll Quigley. He was a very respected world reknown historian. Look him up in Wikipedia to see his some of his crediential and background. He mentions in his book Tragedy and Hope the international banker's plan to dominate the world financial system back in 1966. After it was found out he let the cat out of the bag, his publishers quit distributing the book and "accidently" destroyed the original printing plates. Soon thereafter around the early 70s the book was highly sought after going for over $100 a copy. This man worked with and rubbed elbows of many of the elite at that time who were part of these secret groups. I can't give you direct quotes from "Tragedy and Hope" and "The Creature from Jekyll Island" which contains some transcrips from interviews of Carroll Quigley before he died in 1977 since Im at work but do some research on the book Tragedy and Hope and check out The Creature from Jekyll Island which explains the birth of our Federal Reserve System. Im not telling you what to believe but after doing some research you can come to your own conclusion.
iPods for the Global Elite @ Bilderberg 2008 Meeting on 6/08
by What-A-Coincidence in
an employee working for apple computers has sent an email to the infowars helpdesk reporting that the department of justice has placed an order for 125 ipods with bilderberg 2008 engraved on the back shipping to chantilly va
R's Hubby:
First of all Alex Jones and Daniel Estulin are not the only people who think that the Bilderberg group and other roundtable groups exist to eventually do away with our government as we know it. There have been reports and book written within the past 4 decades explaining these people and their goals; hell, all you have to do is research their own literature like you would the Watchtowers. You dont have to buy all of Alex Jones marketing stuff, it's all over the internet. He encourages people to copy his material and distribute it. I know he comes across as being a radical and a nut but he does get a lot of information out there that a lot of people dont mention in the media and people dont know about. Verifiable information. That media puff piece you got mentioning the Bilderberg meeting doesn't mention that a lot of the attendees of Bilderberg meetings are actually breaking the law by even being there. It's like reading the Watchtower and Awake magazine to get the main purpose behind the WTS.
PS: Get your own account insteading of using your wife's. Your violating the posting guidlines of this forum posting under her account.
iPods for the Global Elite @ Bilderberg 2008 Meeting on 6/08
by What-A-Coincidence in
an employee working for apple computers has sent an email to the infowars helpdesk reporting that the department of justice has placed an order for 125 ipods with bilderberg 2008 engraved on the back shipping to chantilly va
The ipod thing may not be true but the Bilderberg group is meeting in Chantilly, VA at the moment. Wanna bet that is where Hillary and Obama met "secretly" last night and why Hillary is waiting until Sat to officially get out of the race? Just speculating. Would be hilarious to see her on the VP ticket as a way to get her supporters who are reluctant to support Obama to support him. If it turns out she becomes VP, I hope Obama doesn't end up like her old friend Vince Foster did.
iPods for the Global Elite @ Bilderberg 2008 Meeting on 6/08
by What-A-Coincidence in
an employee working for apple computers has sent an email to the infowars helpdesk reporting that the department of justice has placed an order for 125 ipods with bilderberg 2008 engraved on the back shipping to chantilly va
I wonder if one of them will end up listed on ebay and sold as a rare collector's item.
do you care what keyboard you type on?
by littlerockguy inyesterday i took all my keys off my ibm model m keyboard and cleaned them and vacuumed the surface to get some dust out of the inside and now it looks like new.
i need to do the same to the one i use at work.
i got another model m keyboard off ebay yesterday.
Hey, another fan of the Model M! I got mine at a thrift store a couple months back for $3.
I am always on the lookout in thriftstores and garage sales, etc. for those old keyboards but they are getting harder to find.
do you care what keyboard you type on?
by littlerockguy inyesterday i took all my keys off my ibm model m keyboard and cleaned them and vacuumed the surface to get some dust out of the inside and now it looks like new.
i need to do the same to the one i use at work.
i got another model m keyboard off ebay yesterday.
Yesterday I took all my keys off my IBM model M keyboard and cleaned them and vacuumed the surface to get some dust out of the inside and now it looks like new. I need to do the same to the one I use at work. I got another model M keyboard off ebay yesterday. I can't imagine typing on any other keyboard I am so used to the clickty clack of them and the keys are spread out. Last new desktop I got I dont remember what I did with the keyboard that came with it (it was a Gateway) but I really didn't care since they are so cheaply made now.
Does it matter to you what kind of keyboard that you use? I know some are really into wireless keyboards but I dont care if mine is attached to my computer or wireless.
2012: The Year The Internet Ends
by What-A-Coincidence in
06/01/2008 - every significant internet provider around the globe is currently in talks with access and content providers to transform the internet into a television-like medium: no more freedom, you pay for a small commercial package of sites you can visit and you'll have to pay for seperate subscriptions for every site that's not in the package.
what can we do?internet providers have realized that the only way to not lose massive amounts of customers over this is to make sure there are no alternatives, that's why all major internet providers are currently making agreements and planning to switch simultaneously somewhere in the year 2012. this is currently all going on under very strict nda's (non-disclosure agreements) because the last thing they want is the masses speaking out against it.
That's not really surprising. This is just exactly what happened when people started buying satellites in the early 80s. Back then all you had to do was buy the satellite and you got a lot of channels until the signals were all scrambled and then you had to subscribe to Dish Network or DirectTV and buy packages.
Great News! For all of you that have read my story....
by str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up inthe publishing company i work for has officially expressed interest in publishing my story!
i am sure to be branded an apostate now!
I dont have to read a book to know what it's like to be gay and a JW since I experienced that already firsthand but I look forward to reading your book when it becomes available!